What herb is good for the liver. A friend has hepatitis A and B?!


What herb is good for the liver. A friend has hepatitis A and B?

Answers: Well, for general liver health, there's Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Yellowdock, Burdock Root, Parsley, Black Radish Root, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), Trimethylglcine (TMG), and Alpha Lipoic Acid.

As far as the Hepatitis.... I'd recommend that your friend talk to his doctor about that. Source(s):
I'm a Product Specialist for a vitamin company Your friend needs a lot more than herbs. Can do damage by delaying real treatment while trying this. www.healthlibrary.com
kindly download the pdf file "HandBook Of Nature Cures.pdf" ...
it'll be of gr8 help sir. Dandelion, and Milk Thistle are good herbs for Hepatitis. My dad had it and my uncle. They both tried it for a short period of time but stopped using it. They are now both deceased due to Hepatitis C. Good Luck. "OldTimeKid" gets my vote! That was a great answer.

When someone has a sick liver it takes more than one herb...it takes a combination of substances. His list is excellent!

As for the alpha lipoic acid, I heard a doctor on the radio talk about taking 600 mg twice a day for the liver (as part of the treatment.)

It's either Liv-A-New (Vitamin World) or Liv-A-Rite (National brand) that has just about all those ingredients...I don't recall which one. But to get the 600 mg dose, extra alpha lipoic acid would also need to be taken.

The best to you.


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