What otc viatamins or medicine to take for anxiety?!


What otc viatamins or medicine to take for anxiety?

ive read about st john wort and about vitamin b but which kind and what dosages

Answers: St. John's wort, a standardized version. It will say so on the bottle.

5-HTP or Tryptophan.

Good luck and be well.

Kelley Source(s):
Health food store manager and author of "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer" and "It's Not Just For Sex." try b 10 valerian...read the back of the label for dosage. Try some Valerian Root. I've heard quite a few people say that it has been effective for them. As far as dosages go, buy a reputable OTC supplement brand and it should give you dosage guidance on the bottle. Try some Bach Rescue Remedy, I swear by it. Go to http://www.bachflower.com/rescue_remedy.... to read more about it. I have used benedryl for anxiety and it works, but makes you sleepy. That was the 25 mg pills. Lately I use the children's
version a 12.5 mg strip.

They started having success using small doses of Stelazine for anxiety. Now stelazine is a major tranquilizer, but in small doses I think the medical people found that it was acting as an antihistamine. A doctor told me this.

That brought up the possibility that some anxiety may be allergy related. A friend of mine thought that her anxiety disappeared when she moved to the seaside where there were less trees, grass and vegetation. Although I truly do love Valerian, it comes out through the pores smelling terrible when sweating. A friend of mine takes STRESS formula vitamins. It has helped her. I take Xanax for it.

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