Best herbal tea for the body?!


Best herbal tea for the body?

I owuld like to know if the green tea is the best tea for the body? if so does the bran count? if so again, what brand is the best?...if it's not the best tea with antioxidents for the body then waht is? and what is the best brand? thank you!

Answers: Green tea is brilliant for the body!! Full of free radical fighting antioxidants .............. my favorite though is rose hips tea - this is the richest source of vitamin C and we all know that as well as being an antioxidant that vitamin C is vital in the formation of collagen for beautifull radiant skin - good antiageing properties and tastes really yummy!! Any good health food store will recommend a natural preservative free brand of rosehips tea for you.......... :0)

CHEERS Source(s):
naturopath in training No brand doesn't matter just make sure you choose all natural and organic tea. My personal favorite is Yogi tea. but you can get some other free samples at
enjoy I've been drinking teas for many years. From early childhood through adulthood. I was unaware that regular Lipton tea had any antioxidant effects, till I stopped drinking so much of it. I aged about ten years in a matter of months. Before, when I was drinking it heavily, I had people asking when I got out of high school. I was 33 at the time. When I went back to drinking more tea, the effects of aging rolled back dramatically.Once again, I am routinely taken for someone in their early 20s.

Green Tea is very good for you. It has potassium, antioxidants and natural caffeine. It doesn't make you jittery, its great hot or iced, and can be sweetened any way you like, or not at all.

Not actually an "herbal" tea because of the caffeine, but a fine tea all the same!

A good herbal tea is chamomile, but it has no antioxidants as far as I know. It is a good tasting wind-down tea to drink before bed. I think the best teas are a variety of different herbals ones. The body likes variety and different ones will have different effects. I have a whole collection of different green teas with fruits, white teas with herbs, jasmine, black, green, herbal, etc. It's fun since I don't drink coffee or soda. "TCHAYE KOUHI" & "GOLGAVEZABAN" are the best herbal
tea beside green tea.if you would like to try some,e-mail me
or IM me.i will send you some and the instrucion of how to make it with pleasure. First off, you should know that green tea is not an herbal tea. Herbals are considered any infusion that does not contain camellia sinensis.

As for the best tea for the body - all teas from camellia sinensis contain the same things but they're processed differently. Right now white tea becoming the "hot" tea and is said to have a lot of health benefits, possibly more than green. Brand wise I would have to suggest loose leaf tea over any of the bagged teas except Revolution. has some great teas of all types and prices.

If you're looking for an herbal with a ton of health benefits I would have to suggest Rooibos. It's made from a plant that grows in South Africa, contains no caffeine and has heaps of health benefits.

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