What can u do to treat an infected ingrown toenail?!


What can u do to treat an infected ingrown toenail?

the doctor already tried antibiotics. i've been taking them since i was eight. they've stopped working for me. the only treatment is to have them surgically removed. the problem is, they wont get numb because they are infected. i dont want the surgery done, and i have to treat my toes because i cant even wear any shoe but beach sandals right now. any ideas?

Answers: tea tree essential oil is brilliant for this just put a couple of neat drops onto the infected toe make sure it gets in the wound may sting a little but it does the trick repeat 3 or four times a day. Source(s):
my studies and experience. A podiatrist should really look at it. They can determine if they can cut the nail properly so it can grow out instead of inward. Some people have repeat problems with this though. My daughter had two nails with this problem. She is problem free once one nail was removed (and it CAN be numbed when they are infected as her's badly were) and the other had the sides removed only as it wasn't as bad on one but painful. She is pain free now in this.
Some people just have this from birth sometimes.
I feel treating them otherwise may be a temporary solution. The choice to continue to have the pain in this or not is your's. Chamomile tea, brew a strong cup (two bags) to one cup. Get a tube or container that will hold 1 gallon of water and add the strong tea to it. Soak at least 15 mins, get water as hot as you can stand without scalding yourself.
Do this everyday until the infection is gone (about 3 to 5 days), you will get instant relief from just once though.
Cut toe nail straight across, not round with the toe, straight across like square tip nails when you get a manicure.
You have to kill the infection at the area immediately or you will get gain green and end up losing toe.
I had a double infected ingrown back in high school and couldn't take antibiotics either. Gain green had set in and the doctor had to soak my toe just to operate b/c the odor was so bad that he got sick to his stomach. It's great now and I didn't lose my toe.
Keep wearing open toe sandals too. This aids in it breathing and healing faster and helps dry up the infection, but try to keep it clean and don't get it wet if at all possible.
Best to you! I just answered your more recent question about this... I have had the surgery on one big toe (don't ask me why the doc wouldn't do both at the same time, that's what I wanted!) where he trimmed back along one side of the nail all the way to the cuticle and cauterized it so in essence making my nail narrower. That was 9 years ago and I have never had another problem with that toe again. Now, the other one gets "funky" every now and again, but I just try not to trim my nails so short and I also wear proper shoes with lots of toe space. I'm polish so no cute little strappy numbers on these wide feet! ;D Birks and flip flops are what I wear usually and in the winter I find the widest cold weather ones out there... Normally I suggest staying away from the doc's office but for this I'd say give it a try. It does hurt like hell for the shot, but the benefits for me out weight the initial pain involved. Good luck sweetie and God Bless you!

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