I have a probelm with yeast overgrowth in my intestines does this mean I might also have intestinal worms?!


I have a probelm with yeast overgrowth in my intestines does this mean I might also have intestinal worms?

I have heard the two go together. If so what would be a good thing for me to try and get rid of them. By the way I have trouble concentrating and have brittle or very dry hair ( if this makes any difference).

Answers: Chiropractors will not be able to help this problem. They are like certified Drs., finding a prinicipled one can be really hard. I would agree with the probiotic. Do a paracleanse if you think you have worms. Plus possibly be on ASAP brand collodial silver. Source(s):
www.awisealternative.com get on a probiotic......read the book "The Maker's Diet" and I have not heard of the two related....As far as your hair goes....get your thyroid checked....go to www.mercola.com and type in your symptoms.....also, get to a principled family chiropractor to help your body start working at its absolute best. Good luck and God Bless. I saw on the Oprah show a great way to check for worms. This may sound gross but, I'll try to make it sound as pleasent as possible. If you do have worms, they will come out of your bottom at night time. So, the best way to check is to put some tape over your butt hole at night. In the morning, you can take off the tape and look to see if there are any worms stuck to it. Then if there is, you need to see a doctor to get medicine. It is very easily treatable. Good Luck! To treat this problem effectively you should follow a diet and take supplements.

Diet - Avoid sugars. Some doctors strongly recommend you cannot have ANY sugar or grains at all on a program and should also eliminate all fruit until the symptoms resolve. Others are less strict and suggest avoiding foods high in simple carbohydrates such as refined sugars (sucrose, fructose, corn syrup), fruit juices, honey, and maple syrup.

Limit intake of high carbohydrate vegetables such as potatoes, corn, yams, and parsnips.

Avoid foods with a high content of yeast or mold including alcoholic beverages, cheeses, dried fruits, melons, and peanuts.

Avoid milk and milk products with a high content of lactose.

Foods that can be eaten freely include all vegetables, protein sources (legumes, fish, poultry, and meat), and whole grains.

Two to three one-cup servings of the following fruit can be eaten per day as well: apples, blueberries, cherries, other berries, and pears.

Drink vegetable juices. Avoid store bought fruit juices, are loaded with sugar which feeds yeast. Drink a glass of clean, pure water, every hour.

Supplements -

Glutamine: L-Glutamine can help reduce candida-induced hair loss. Follow the label direction.

Garlic - Liberal consumption of garlic, ginger, cinnamon and other aromatic herbs can have significant antifungal activity.

Grapefruit Seed Extract - 200 mg, 2-3 /day. Useful for chronic parasitic and yeast infections."

Pau D'Arco / Taheebo tea - Drink several cups every day.

Oil of Oregano - Place 3 drops of oregano oil into an empty gelatin capsule (or vegicap), or mix the same amount of oil into juice and take 3 times each day. Enteric-coated preparations are available at about 50-100mg of oil per capsule or tablet. Several weeks of continuous use may be required for the anti-fungal properties of oil of oregano to clear up a deep-seated Candida infection.

Stevia - Stevia is an excellent natural sweetener and a good way to reduce refined sugar consumption.

Digestive enzymes - 3/day, with each meal.

Caprylic acid - 1000 mg, 3/day.

Supplemental Fiber - Candidal toxins can be reduced by using a water-soluble fiber source such as guar gum, psyllium seed, or pectin, which can bind to toxins in the gut and promote their excretion.

Probiotics - The use of probiotics to help keep candidal overgrowth from occurring is a common part of many antifungal programs.
Take 2/caps daily. Half an hour after your meal.

References & Further Information - Reading a book such as Dr. Crook's "The Yeast Connection" can be helpful in understanding the condition. Don't go overboard with this. People in the U.S. tend to go to the worst thing that can be wrong with them first rather than trying the simple stuff. Try eating organic yogurt. It will combat the yeast in your intestines. Eat it a couple of times a day on an empty stomach. You will feel better in a couple of days. I would also think about taking Mona Vie.. This is a combination of 100% juices that is the best maintenance for your digestive tract. Its kind of pricey but it works so well. Eat more Yogurt. Look for "live" or "active" cultiures on the label. Try to eat 3 or 4 servings a day, spread out, for a couple days. Avoid (do NOT eliminate) simple sugars from your diet. After a couple days, Your yeast problem should feel better.

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