How many carrots must you eat to improve your eyesight?!


How many carrots must you eat to improve your eyesight?

well, you saw my question, now ANSWER it. please :)

Answers: easy...Two eyes = Two carrots dont eat to many, you will turn orange A LOT! That depends on your metabolism really, like a lot of things to do with your body. It always depends on the person. 24. Then your eyesight will be as good as GOLD. To eat enough carrots to possibly improve your eyesight will also turn your skin orange because of all the beta carrotene. It will look like one of those cheap spray on tans. is that actually possible? 1023....keep eating! Carrots are a good source of beta-carotine, which the liver changes into Vitamin A. If you have a deficiency of vitamin A, you might have trouble with your eyesight, and eating a moderate amount of carrots (one or two a day) will help. If you don't have a deficiency, carrots will not improve your eyesight.

Anyway it explains why you never see a rabbit with glasses. 8^) carrots don't improve your eyesight they prevent your eyes from becoming worse. i think thay realy dont but if you think thay do you shold eat 6 I juice 5 pounds of carrots per week and I have been doing this for fifteen years. I have not seen any significant change in my eye sight, but I know that it has made a tremendous change in my general health. I guess I have good eyesight at age 59 because I do consume so many carrots, but I never noticed an improvement. I juice carrots because they contain a trace of most of the minerals that our body needs and they are leaded with antioxidants that fight cancer, and the beta carotene acts as a natural sun screen....Good health to you....KECK Why the hell would you eat 6? Where did that guy come up with that? In his ***? Eating carrots don't improve your eyesight Carrots improve your eyesight but only over a long period of time and are better at preventing your eyesight from diminishing further. Other natural eyesight remedies may help in combination however. Herbs like ginkgo, ginger and bilberry Bilberry anthocyanosides also strengthen the capillaries in the retina and play an important role in eye health. Another important factor in eye health is to get enough omega-3 fatty acids. Try adding things like fresh organic corn, collard greens, spinache, kale,mustard greens, and turnip tops to your diet. These are all proven to improve ocular health as they all contain carotenoids. Too many, it's easier to buy Vitamins, or Carrot Juice. Try to get organic, and mix it with mango or orange juice to make it taste better. LOL. Ask bugs bunny,, he is the only talking bunny I know,, so he should be able to tell you, cause I have never seen a rabit where glasses,, have you, has anyone?? And I dont mean stage bunnys that is wearing a costume ladys and gentlemen.

Peace be within you
DRAGON Check out this article:

And here is a good vitamin/nutrient supplement for your eyes:

Hope this helps... hi, i think eating one carrot a day is good. you can get enough nutrients from that one carrot. also try and eat fruit and veg everyday. maybe 1 apple and/or banana a day.

The important thing to realize is that lack of oxygen causes bad eyesight and damage to eyes. this lack of oxygen can be caused by not drinking enough water, and also by not breathing properly. you should try and do pranayama, which is breathing exercises. these breathing exercises are good coz they make u take deep breaths and so the oxygen can go to yout upper organs such as brain and eyes.
google - pranayama

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