Can anybody give me a guide to effects of Kava by dosage?!


Can anybody give me a guide to effects of Kava by dosage?

I know everybody's experiences are different, but in general, what can I expect from a low, medium, and high dosage? What would be considered a high dosage in terms of kava extract or tea?

Answers: kava is used for anxiety
u should be within safe dosage
my favorite doctor, good in natural medicine told me this:
Suggested Use: 1kava kava tablet a day or as needed. Do not exceed 2 kava kava capsules a day. It's best not take kava kava more often than 3 days a week. Take a week off each month. Some people open the capsules to make a kava kava tea or drink in a kava kava bowl, but it doesn't taste that good. Discontinue use if unusual symptoms occur explains it all. It depends if its an liquid extract (10 drops) or a tea bag (1-2 bags) and the potency. if you take a lot then you might collapse or wobble around because cava relaxes your muscles. It can make it look like you are having a heart attack; you should be okay after an hour or so and some water and sleep. When I was in Fiji the Fijians were drinking kava in the bar instead of booze.

I drank quite a bit and felt no effects whatsoever.

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