Is there any effective way to cleanse marijuana out of you system?!


Is there any effective way to cleanse marijuana out of you system?

My man is trying to get a better job, but he has THC in his system. Is there anything out there he could use, do, or take to pass a drug test? Only serious answers please.

Answers: Do not here anything they say about detox teas, detox this or that ... it doesn't work!!

The only way to get THC out of your system is staying clean and wait for your metabolism to process and get it out, you can speed the process up , accelerating your metabolism, that means a lot of workout healthy diet and tons of liquids, there is no easy way out.
I worked with several human resources managers with drug testing and possible test mistakes and I have seen and hear all the possible excuses.
Sometimes the urine test can not be conclusive but a blood test will show niacin use, thc and any possible drug, vitamine or supplement. Source(s):
www.mysteriousbolivia.blogspot... Time and lots of water. They test for all the tricks and that's just as bad as coming up hot. You still fail. All he can really do is wait it out. He can get some of those tests you buy in stores to check your kids and keep doing them until he is sure he'll test clean. Otherwise, he needs to wait to apply for that job.

Just a thought - if you think you may be looking for a job, just stop doing the drugs for awhile. Failing a drug test is a really sad reason to lose a job. And completely preventable. Also, word will get around if you fail a drug test. It's not private info.

Good luck and stay straight for awhile.... Absolutely, but only if they do the simple dipstick method of
testing the urine: if they send it to a lab, its a problem.

Buy 500mg Niacin - must be time release type!!!!
For three full days, you will take two pills (equal total of 1000mg) in the morning, and then in the evening.
Stop taking the Niacin 24 hours before your test (exactly).
On the day of the test, you will drink water (2 full liters) every single hour for three full hours before the test.

Do not skip drinking the water: the niacin will burn all the thc out of the body, but it will be sitting in your bladder. If you don't rinse out with the water, the positive result will be very
GREAT, so don't skip any part of this method.

Also, figure out your exact times to do each part of this, based on the exact time of your appointment for the test,
because its essential that you stop the niacin EXACTLY
24 HOURS BEFORE the test, and the water MUST be
taken in exactly as I specified, so figure out an exact time schedule and write it down, and then follow it to the letter.

If you do this, you will be very, very clean. Remember that
if he takes other medications, that they will also be removed from the system - everything will come out of his system,
so he may have to replace necessary medications back into
his system. Use common sense.
Oh, one more thing: the water, because theres alot to drink,
will probably make him real nauseated and possibly he will vomit; - tell him even if he pukes, keep downing that water.\
Also - the Niacin will make him feel hot with hot flashes and sweating; he will feel the "burning", esspecially on the skin.
Ignore it - it is completely normal; it can be a bit uncomfortable for some people, but not so much so that he
couldn't "grin and bear it".

Best of luck try not being a stupid pothead. take the 30 vactation n clean out ur system n then keep it clean as in stop smokin it. n where is he going to work? bc I want to make sure I dont go there. ya know incase he is using again after gettin the job Lots of water. You can buy things in "head" shops that work too. Ask them for their recommendations. Also head to Walgreen's (etc) and pick up a couple home drug tests. Try out a few product and then take the drug test yourself at home, then you'll know he will be good when he goes in :)
Good luck! It all depends on what kind of test they use.
If the company has the money to do hair tests, he's SOL... guess he could shave his head after he's been clean a month.
Some people say to drink this, that or the other... it is never a sure fire way... and you have to be careful with how much water you intake in certain amounts of time. You can literally drown. Seriously, people die from too much water intake.
It also depends on his metabolism and his body fat. A leaner person will expend the THC quicker than a person with more fat cells. I know people that tested dirty three months after they quit smoking and people that came clean in three weeks. (So if he's got some love handles, avoid exercise the day before and day of the test)
Best thing to do is quit. Even if it is temporary, quit. Then, when an appropriate time has passed, I'd say 30 days... do the job hunt and drug screening. If it comes up dirty, do not deny it. Do not act surprised. I don't know your "man" or situation, but sometimes a dishonest person is worse than one that smokes here and there. As far as I know, you have to wait until it clears from your system by itself.
Obviously, don't smoke it in this period where he is wanting to go for a new job.
A lot of jobs test regularly anyway, so if he wants to get and keep a better job then maybe he might have to look at quitting the crap for good. It will save him suffering from emotional/mental problems later anyway.

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