What are some natural cures for coughing from asthma?!


What are some natural cures for coughing from asthma?

Answers: Hi There

Here are some answers on asthma.

Causes of Asthma
Causes of asthma include, though are not limited to poor diet, food and environmental allergies, exposure to cold air, infection, overexertion and/or excessive exercise, exhaustion, and stress. Inhalants, which are commonly prescribed by conventional physicians to treat asthma symptoms, can also trigger asthma attacks, as can other pharmaceutical drugs, which can trigger allergic responses. Improper breathing habits are also a factor; often Asthmatics do shallow breathing, which leaves them more susceptible to an attack. Shallow breathing, coupled with the fear of not being able to breathe can often aggravate an attack.

1. Cleanses: Colon and liver cleanse will clear out the toxins in the blood and assists the body in healing. Learn about detoxifying the blood and you can change your health very quickly.

2. Diet:
If you suffer from asthma, you need to be screened for food allergies and sensitivities, and then avoid eating those foods you are allergic or sensitive to. In addition, avoid all sugar and sugar products, wheat and wheat byproducts, soft drinks, commercially processed foods, and all foods containing artificial ingredients, such as additives, colorings, flavorings, and preservatives. Minimize your intake of milk and dairy products, coffee and other caffeinated products. In addition, avoid eating foods that are high on the glycemic index, as such foods can trigger insulin resistance and cause hypoglycemia, which is a common factor in many cases of asthma.

3. Be sure to drink a gallon of pure water a day.

4. Emphasize an organic, whole foods, include plenty of fresh, raw organic fruits and vegetables, preferably soaked nuts and seeds, organic, free-range meats and poultry, and wild-caught fish. Garlic and onions, ginger and peppers are excellent staples to include in your meals, due to their powerful health benefits for the lungs and overall respiratory system. Also be sure to drink plenty of pure, fresh water each day, a minimum of eight ounces should be drunk every two hours. Extra virgin olive oil, virgin raw coconut butter/oil and high lignin flax seed oil are the oils of choice, and can used freely to replace all other fats and oils in the diet. Choose to cook with only virgin coconut butter/oil due to its ability to withstand high heats.

If your asthma attacks tend to be provoked by stress, combine half a teaspoon each of baking soda and sea salt in organic juice or pure, filtered water, and drink immediately.

5. Herbs: Useful herbs for helping to prevent and reverse asthma symptoms include cayenne pepper, ephedra (although the Food and Drug Administration tried to ban ephedra, it is now once again available due to a federal court ruling that overthrew the FDA ban), garlic, gingko biloba, green tea, gumweed, horse chestnut, Indian tobacco, jujube plum, licorice root, lobelia, marshmallow root, mullein, onion, passionflower, skunk cabbage, slippery elm, and thyme.

6. Homeopathy: Useful homeopathic remedies for asthma include Ammonium carbonicum, Aralia racemosa, Arsenicum album, Arsenicum iodatum, Cuprum metallicum, Ipecac, Kali nit, Lachesis, Lobelia, Natrum sulpuricum, Pulsatilla, Sambucus, Spongia tosta, and Sulphur.

Best of health to you Source(s):
experienced healing and educating many years

naturalcures.com Maybe try pepermint.
It worked for my cousin. Stop eating foods with artificial color.

Look in the ingredients, if the food has "red 40" "yellow 5" or "yellow 6" - Don't eat it. These are known to cause asthma/make it worse.

My brother used to always eat Trix and drink Gatorade and once he stopped the asthma went away. eucalyptus vapors... boil water and throw some eucalyptus in and breath in the vapor. Maybe try menthol (not menthol cigarettes but just plain menthol). Or cough drops (which probably also have menthol in them). You could also try sitting in front of a fan or air conditioner that is blowing in filtered air from outside. best natural solution hey - ask the primates, better yet watch them... Try this website, www.shopalotat.shopeverest.com
They have a lot of natural remedies. Just type asthma in the search. Unfortunately, there are no natural cures for asthma. Have you been diagnosed with Asthma?? The American Lung Association recommends that everyone 12 yrs. of age and older, take an Asthma Control Test . Have you taken such a test?? Most pharmacies will have this control test available at the pharmacy station. Otherwise, if you are confirmed to have Asthma, then talk to your Doc about Asthma management that can give you more days of symptom relief. Ask your Doc:
1) Is there something more I can do to prevent my asthma symptoms??
2) What's the difference between my fast-acting inhaler, like Albuterol ( also called a rescue or quick-relief inhaler), and a daily controller medicine??
3) Do I need medication for the two main underlying causes of asthma symptoms - airway constriction and inflammation??
4) How do I make sure I have identified all of my asthma triggers??
5) Should I get a lung function test ??
Best advice, consult with your Doc !! Here's a web that will allow you to take the Asthma Control Test:
I hope that this helps. see all detail's on http://www.rx24-7.com/asthma.html?af=146... Check out http://www.ailments.in/cough.html... for a lot of info. Add to Alt Healer's excellent post the following: 1) I have yet to see a case of asthma where there are not absolutely HUGE food allergies and extreme adrenal depletion going on. 2) Believe it or not, something as simple as Panda brand All Natural Licorice can help to control an asthma attack and can help to heal the condition. Black licorice is an herbal specific in cases of cough, bronchitis, asthma. Works great! No side effects except some diarrhea/loose stools at times if too much is eaten. Boericke & Tafel Cough Syrup is a lifesaver for those people whose colds become longterm coughs and bronchitis as well. I have yet to see a cough or a case of chronic bronchitis this cough syrup cannot heal. Night time Formulation works the best in my experience. Some folks also have luck w/ honey loquat syrup. I didn't, but some folks swear by it. 3) Be careful w/ lobelia tincture if you're new to herbs or not working under the care of a trained herbalist. It's subtoxic, and it can hurt you, or more especially your child, if you don't know what you're doing--and most of you don't, IMO. Not all of you, but far, far too many of you for me to feel comfortable. 4) Coffee can sometimes (and sometimes ONLY), stop an asthma attack in its trax, esp. w/ children, but if this remedy is over-used, or depended upon, it a) can fail when you most need it, resulting in hospitalization or even death, and b) increases that adrenal depletion I was talking about which can make the asthmatic even more sick/weak and more prone to serious, serious, even fatal asthma attacks. Do NOT rely on this method! 5) I have yet to meet an asthmatic who wasn't seriously dairy allergic. Quit eating dairy and see what wonders occur...! Humans are the ONLY animals that consume milk and milk products past infancy, and the only animals that consume the milk of other animals. Logic would dictate...6) Ditto wheat consumption for many folks...7) Many asthma conditions are caused by molds in the living spaces. Find and destroy mold conditions. Look at outgasing carpets and upholstery as the problem, too. 8) Chiropractic adjustment of my cervical spine and clean living were and are the two best things I've ever found to help my asthma. Moving from NE to Northern California, w/ its dry, sunny climate also helped a great deal. 9) The crappier the diet, usually the worse the asthma, especially in children. So if your child has asthma, STOP feeding him or her crap, parents! 10) The Intestinal Cleanse idea is excellent and here's why: In TCM, Large Intestine (LI) and Lung function go together. It therefore makes both logical and intuitive sense that the cleaner the gut, the better the lung function. Do some more reseach on this, all of you. You'll be amazed.

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