What can I do for Heartburn? my tablets not working so well?!


What can I do for Heartburn? my tablets not working so well?

Answers: You can help prevent the heartburn by staying off citrus, fatty foods and spicy food.

Try not to lay down for at least 2 hours after eating. Try not to bend down from the waist use your knees. That's what I do and it helps. it might be acid reflux. go to the doctor and ask about Nexium.

My husband had it and didn't know it. he popped Rolaids like they were candy. i saw an ad a few years ago for Nexium, and told him to ask the doctor. he has been on Nexium for several years now, and no more heartburn. Nexium also helps repair your esophagus, which can be affected when you have severe acid reflux. Well first off I dont think thats the right book for you... nasty phew was one of those horror mystery bit-ches who solved crime like stuff and thats why you should wait for nintendo 64 to come out wi th a blue ray add on. I have a hiatus hernia and I get heartburn and I take pariet (prescription medicine), it works well for me. i had to take a whole roll of rolaids last night but it worked. mix about a spoon full of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. don't use to much baking soda though and make sure to mix well. You must eliminate acidic foods....bread can make it worse to. Keep a diary of what you eat and when and then put in the times when your heartburn is at it's worst. Youll soon see a pattern emerge. Quick fix is baking soda in water, but look it up first. To much will **** up the PH levels in your body which may result in something else, like extreme tsunami out your asshole. I **** you not! I crack myself up. The best pills to take are "Nexium" as they work for 24 hours at a time. ( Doctors will prescribe.)
You may have some uncler trouble so this would be worth checking out as they are curable now with a simple treatment to kill the offending bacteria. always run to the doctor for any problem....911 cheezzzz im tired of hearing that,

sleep with head elevated above your stomach if not cleared up in aweek or 2, use Nexum...still problems then doctor,
......................had more to say but u go listen to a 911 operator. Drink a glass of milk. It coats the esophagus and stomach and should help neutralize any reflux. I have had the same problem.

Suggestions: Pepto Bismol. Avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, spicy food, large portions of food, smoking, eating late in the evening.

Give it a week or two, and see a doctor if symptoms persist. As someone else posted, it may be actual damage to your esophagus (stomach acid has burned your esophagus). Heart burn is indigestion that leads to gastric reflux which is where the acid from your stomach travels up the oesophagus to your throat where you get a nasty acid taste. It is caused by eating a high fat diet and not enough roughage. Many people suffer this problem and it will eventually lead to stomach ulcers and more serious problems. Ask your GP to put you on Nexium 20 or 40 mg,depending on how acute the reflux is ? Peppermint tea.

Great for all parts of digestion, it also tastes pretty good and is completely natural

: ) Hurtburn also known as GERD or simply acid reflux. The best medicine I have tried is nexium so this is also the most expensive. But I have tried an effective, cheaper, and long term solution; that is, food diet of those who has GERD, regular exercise and most of all, water. When I tried the water theraphy, the symptomps I had associated with acid reflux is gone for almost a year now. What do you think? Hey,

That Heartburn is something esle here are some ways to cure heartburn at-Home.......

1. Canada Dry Ginger Ale. If you drink Canada Dry Ginger , you'll relieve an upset stomach. The ginger absorbs the gastric acid and as a result settles a sour stomach.

2. French's Mustard. Besides being a delicious sandwich spread , this condiment aids digestion. It can help prevent an imbalance of acids which is the origin of indigestion and heartburn.

3. Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar. Combine two teaspoons of Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar into one cup of water. The sip it slowly as you eat your meal. The acetic acid in the vinegar will stabilize your stomach acid and prevent heartburn.

4. Uncle Bens Converted Brand Rice. Eat Uncle Ben's Converted Brand Rice in order to cure heartburn . The complex carbohydrates in it will absorb your stomach acid which it turn will bring you relief.

5. Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Chew on a stick of wrigley's Searmint Gum to eliminate heartburn. Saliva is produced through the act of chewing which neutralizes stomach acid and stabilizes the flow of digestion . Also, Spearmint aids digestion of food.

Hope this info was helpful!! HOM?OPATHIC TREATMENT(s) for INDIGESTION (Acid Reflux / Acidity / Gastralgia) :-

Burning in food pipe with general sensation of burning Sulphur 30X 4 hourly

Burning pain in stomach (Ulcer), with both water and solid vomited as soon as it reaches stomach Ars Alb.30X, 4 hourly

Burning pain in the stomach, with water vomited but solid retained Bismuth 30X, 4 hourly

Burning in food pipe,with sour stool Natrum Carb.30X, 4 hourly

Excess of hydrochloric acid, burning in food pipe, heart burn, nausea and chilly feeling. Acid Sulph.30X, 4 hourly

From nervous anticipation of coming events, desire for sweets. Argentum Nit.30X, 4 hourly

Gastric complaints after taking rich fatty food; less or no thirst; better in open air Pulsatilla.30X, 4 hourly

Hyperacidity; sour and bitter belchings Iris V 30X, 4 hourly

Slow and imperfect digestion; offensive flatuence in upper part of abdomen; better after discharge of gas or eructations. Carbo Veg.30X, 4 hourly

Gastric derangement due to sedentary habits or over-Eating/Drinking. Nux Vomica.30X, 4 hourly

Dyspepsia; better after eating Anacardium Or 30X 4 hourly

Acidity with irritating eructation and frontal headache; worse in night. Robinia 30X, 4 hourly

Constant belching; tongue thickly white coated.
Heatburn. Desire for acids, pickles etc. Antim Crud.30X or 200X, 6 hourly

Digestion slow, no change after passing flatus or belching. Flatulence affects middle part of the abdomen. China 6X or 30X, 4 hourly

Abdomen bloated; easy satiety, gas affects lower part of the abdomen; worse in the evening - 4 to 8 P.M. Lycopodium 30X, 4 hourly

Pain and flatulence in stomach, smell of food causes nausea Colchicum 30X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Intercurrent Remedy Psorinum 30X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

Take Care and God Bless You ! Aside from adjusting your diet and improving your general health, I find nothing works better than Pepcid Complete chewable tablets. It's a little bit pricey, but it's worth every penny. It's an over the counter medication, and not only does it work instantly to stop heartburn, but it prevents it almost all day - for over 12 hrs at least. I've recommended it to several friends and family members and they all use it exclusively now for heartburn.

Of course if this is a problem you've had for a long time and it keeps recurring, as everyone else said, go to the doctor, and try Nexium. I know a few people who use it, and it really does work wonders for acid reflux. drink green tea or fresh orange juice or ENO its good for heartburn Try one ounce of straight lemon juice. The high acid content will shut down your bodies acid formation once it hits the stomach. It might burn some going down but within a minute your heartburn will be gone.

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