If the same tube is used for colon cleansings (hydrotherapy) then how do they keep it clean?!


If the same tube is used for colon cleansings (hydrotherapy) then how do they keep it clean?

I know that they use a new applicator end for each client, but the tube never changes, so isn't the water that comes into your body
being shot through the same tube that was used for the person's discharged feces that went before you?

Answers: My colon therapist uses a new applicator AND tube each time. Just like at home, they use a bleach solution to clean the tube. Back in the olden days, they used the same syringe for everybody and sterelized it between uses. Just because they use the same equipment, doesn't mean that it isn't clean. I used to help give colonics. The tube that sends water into the body never carries discharged feces. Colonics are a crock of s h i t, literally! It's just a disgusting way to get money out of people for the stupidest reason. Your colon does not get build up on the walls like freaking plumbing, even though that is what they want you to think. The walls of the colon are very slippery, and nothing is able to stick to those walls. I don't know where the heck they came up with this crap, but that is all it is, is a fad piece of crap. Nothing more than a glorified enema. If you are constipated, and need relief that is one thing. Otherwise, don't waste your money.

If you ever watch the health channels, you will know what I am talking about. Have you ever seen a colonoscopy? I have seen many of them, and I have never seen anything stuck to the walls. It's always nice shiny, pink, and very slippery. Ask the colon therapist. Last person to ask would be the common sense imam. In hospitals they "degrease" you with strong magnesium based chemicals before looking up the ol' poop shoot. I'd like to see them ram through the constipated folks I've run across. For a normal bowel, however does make one wonder what the deal with colonics is. And by the way, if you hear a commercial saying the average person has 25 or so pounds of you know what up their glory hole...runaway. Listen to your emom...don't believe anything your hear.

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