What are some good foods or natural products to reduce acid reflux?!


What are some good foods or natural products to reduce acid reflux?

I seem to get heartburn after eating bread products. Is there a natural way to reduce it? I don't like taking antacids beacuse they seem to do more harm then help.

Thanks for your help :)

Answers: It's really unusual to get heartburn from bread.... you may be allergic or sensitive to something in it. Could be the yeast or any other component of the breads you're eating. I'd suggest talking to an allergist or other doctor to find out what's causing it before you continue to eat bread. Heck, there might even be a simple enzyme you could take to adjust that and prevent the problem. Good luck! Source(s):
I'm a Product Specialist for a vitamin company I suggest you to take INDIAN NONI Fruit Juice concentrate as it is the natural way to keep your body healthy as a whole. Heart burn after eating bread? That's very strange... milk though is an excellent beverage to stop heart burn though, with all the calcium and everything its like taking a few Tums. Believe it or not drink 1 ounce of straight lemon juice. Once it reaches the stomach the acid will stop your body from producing it. It might burn some going down but your heartburn should go away within a minute. Apple cider vinegar is supposed to help.

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