Arnica 30 (pillules) and Calc Carb 200 (pillules) - what are they good for?!


Arnica 30 (pillules) and Calc Carb 200 (pillules) - what are they good for?

I have heard that arnica can be used as a remedy for bruises... what else?
How about Calc carb 200 .. is it good for common problems like cold, sore throat, flu, headache,
Belladonna 200 worked great for my pimples.. No more after suffering for 30 years. Anything else I can use it for?

Answers: Well, it seems your question has been answered quite comprehensively by two very well informed answerers :o) Excellent answers. Well Red Riding Hood has provided the link to The Homeopathic Materia Medica which you should go through to read about the remedies you have mentioned. Both Arnica and Calc carb are widely used remedies please read The Materia Medica for complete details and if you still have any questions about them feel free to email me and ask. I am here to help all of you friends will remain doing so
Though Homeopathic Medicine are said to have no side effects which is true, but the wrong use can be potentionally dangerous like you cannot use inimicals like Phosphorus and Causticum one after the other if you use Phosphorus where it is not indicated it can cause severe bleeding which if not reversed or antidoted can be prove fatal. Kali Carb a gem of a remedy in a number of very serious disease can cause serious damage even though well indicated according to the symptoms of the patient, but only in the cases where the patient is frail and not in very good physical condition in that case you have to use Carbo Veg to strengthen the patients conditions before you can administer Kali Carb which is the indicated remedy. Same is the case with a few other remedies like you cant use Sulfur immediatly after Calc Carb though both of them are quite similar in a lot of things if Sulfur is indicated after the use of Calc Carb you have to give the patient Lycopodium so you can use Sulfur safely and without any complications. These are the finer points of treatment which you learn with experience and research and by constant studies of all the available material on Homeopathy.
So basically such a highly efficiet and safe tool like Homeopathy can be dangerous in a novice's hands.
I am by no means the best or the most experienced Homeopath around but perhaps the only one who gives advice without any inhibitions, that bescuase I am not using Homeopathy to make money, I am propogating a better way of treatment despite a lot of opposition by our esteemed but useless pharmaceutical industries goons in real life and here :o). When I started answering questions with Homeopathic advice last year on Yahoo Answers my account was suspended and then deactivated and I still wonder what exactly did I do to deserve the suspension and I don't have an answer. I faced opposition from even fellow Homeopaths who were concerned because I give free advice where their livlihood is concerned and they took me as a threat to it :o)
My advice is totally free and will remain so and I will keep on spreading what I know is right so help me God and those who want to stop me well God Bless them with some wisdom to understand and comprehend the truth when they see it. Amen.
For more information about Homeopathy please browse through my answers and you will find good links which explain almost everything about it. Homeopathy is a vast field and cannot be explained here. Sorry for such a long answer but I wanted to explain and clarify the points arising out of the first two excellent answers to your question.
And please whenever in doubt do not hestitate to ask for advice Homeopathy is the most beautiful way of healing that ever was but do not try to self diagnose thinking its something to play with it is not you might do serious damage follow the advice of your Homeopathic Physician to the dot and do not try to exceed the dosage and never mix any remedies without qualified advice. The prescriptions I give are the result of years of practice and experience and constant studies.
Take good care of yourself.

Best of Health to all of you.
Take Care and God Bless you.

EDIT :- My apologies for any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes, the spell check doesn't seems to work on long answers :o) Source(s):
Homeopathic Practitioner Well, I guess Soul Doctor will be around soon to answer you question. Here is a link to the Materia Medica you can look them up and read about these wonderful remedies both are polycrests meaning they are useful in a lot of different disease and ailments. Arnica is mostly used for trauma, injuries, strains and sprains and is used in heart disease and disorders. Just a word of caution never use homeopathic remedies if they are not well indicated if you use the wrong remedy it can prove extremely dangerous if you are a novice always take them under a trained homeopaths supervision. Here is the link sorry I forgot to post it.
Homeopathy is known as the law of similars, the remedy which has the most similarities with your individual symptoms will work wonders for you. All of the information I have given is derived from Soul Doctor's previous answers and the links he provides us with. What a treasure house of information he is. God Bless him.
Take care honey and best of luck. By way of a quick clarification: In the last post, the respondent stated that taking the "wrong" remedy can be extremely dangerous for your health. This is NOT AT ALL my experience, nor is it what I was educated to believe w/ homeopathy. Should one take the incorrect remedy, it quite simply will not work. There will be no side effects, no detriments to your health, no problems. It simply will not serve to alter your health in any way, positive or negative, and this is one of the greatest benefits of homeopathy, the lack of deleterious side effects. Perhaps Soul Doctor will clarify this further for us when he posts.

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