Who has tried coconut oil, and what kind of results did you see?!


Who has tried coconut oil, and what kind of results did you see?

I started cooking with coconut oil and I find that it's easier for me to lose weight.

Answers: i've been using coconut oil for abou 2 years now. i started using it right after i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. i lost 40lbs in the first 3 mo. it also helps me stabalize my sugar level. it's also a natural antibioic hmmm i'd check my cholesterol if I were you.

Indians love the stuff but only for an ointment just like baby oil~ Coconut oil is great because the enzymes are not denatured with low/med heat. The enzymes from olive and vergetable oils are denatured with heat. Tastes yummy too!! I just started using coconut oil. It is very good to use for a female lubricant and is healthy for that area.

I also stopped using hair conditioner and now just put a LITTLE coconut oil in my hair after I get out of the shower. It is working wonders. I live in the Philippines now(I'm English) and for the past year have cooked in nothing but coconut oil. And this is the healthiest oil I've ever used. Read all the research on coconut oil at these sites:



People normally throw their hands up in horror and say that coconut oil is an unhealthy saturated oil. But there are many reasons to use this oil. I could go into all the reasons - not enough room here - so please read the research above.

I use the oil and the coconut milk for cooking. I drink fresh coconut juice every day because it is so good for the kidneys and thyroid. I also use it on my skin.

I've been using coconut oil now for a year and I've lost weight. Are saturated fats supposed to do this ? My intestines and gut are the healthiest they've ever been. Did you know that coconut oil has been used in baby foods for the last 30 years ? It's also used in food when hospitalized patients have intestinal diseases and trauma.

Coconut all is also a very stable oil - it doesn't oxidise rapidly like polyunsaturated oils(veg oil) or like monounsaturated oil (like olive oil). Even at high cooking heat, it remains stable.

Please read the research at the links above. The info on coconut oil will answer alot of your questions and may surprise or even shock you. Hi Alex,

Greetings from India

I am from India and we use coconut oil for everything. For our hair and for cooking... ofcourse for hair it is refined and cooking is also different....

Keep going with it and use a good brand that has low cholesterol. Cheers

MG Virgin coconut oil is good for a great many things. I cook with it, use it on my skin and drink about a tablespoon twice a day. I have more energy, clearer skin and started losing weight. I think it is great.

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