Would you give a few hours a month to improve the lives of others?!


Would you give a few hours a month to improve the lives of others?

Not just saying it?
Saint George Oasis

Answers: YES- I work with the elderly, and nothing is more rewarding. You haven't lived until you brighten the life of a day in the area of Geriatrics. I also have over 100 Volunteers through out the year @ my place of employment. In Fact, a "Volunteer of the Year" is honored, with an 11x17 picture of this special person for all who walk into the building to view. This individual is interviewed by the Local Paper, represents our Facility for a year, and is involved with many Special Events @ our Home. We have a Volunteer Luncheon every year (during National Volunteer Week (April)- and honor all @ this Annual Event. Some of these Dedicated Volunteers have come out on a regular basis for over 25 years. The rewards are pricless. The feeling in your heart is immeasurable. Giving a few hours a month to improve the lives of others is a treasured honor. I also Volunteer my own time on a weekly basis, helping Crisis Intervention Center with a Mom's support Group- which I am a
Co-Facilitor for this wonerful group of women. Good question! Source(s):
Medical Field
Best with the Blessed of Volunteers where I work
Blessed to help other women at a Weekly Support Group Mtg Definitely. i would give a few hours a week. Its cool to volunteer, I used to do it for the Royal Air Force Association. I do.
And not for christians.

I go and save people at sea. yes i do and it gives me great joy.

we never know when we may need help ourselves absolutely i would give help to improve others.praying for those is the best way i can help people.and if i had money i would feed the poor and build low income housing,and help those with no health insurance. Bonjour

Yes, i am qualified lifeguard i volunteer

aurevoir yes. I already do.
I volunteer with the Royal National Institute for the Deaf at one of their residential homes.
I teach creative crafts to 6 Deaf adults with additional disabilities and I love every minute of it. yes absolutely.

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