Aromatherapy for nits and it's drying out my hair!?!


Aromatherapy for nits and it's drying out my hair!?

I'm using tea tree and eucalyptus oil in boiling water with a nit comb twice a day. It's working but not doing my hair much good. It is starting to look like straw.
Any one have other experience with other oils that get rid of nits and don't dry air out?
Don't bother mentioning chemical solutions unless you are desperate for 2 points. I'm asking in Alternative for a reason!

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2 days ago
Meant hair instead of air.

Answers: 2 days ago
Meant hair instead of air. The boiling water is probably the culprit as hot water isn't good for hair. You also don't need to do this twice a day.
Best way is to add just a few drops of the essential oils to a natural unscented conditioner. Thoroughly coat dry hair with this, then use a metal (not plastic) nit comb to work though section by section. Wipe the conditioner off on a tissue as you go, checking for live lice or eggs. Then wash your hair at the end.
If you find any lice, repeat this process every couple of days until you have found no lice for at least a week. Then you should be fine.
Also it's MUCH easier if someone can help you with this as it's really hard to check your own hair thoroughly.
Bonus is that this will also leave your hair in really good condition! well,thats cool. I really find that removing them manually is the only way. Nit combs miss so many as they're really, really tiny, and all it takes is one nit hatching out to start the whole nightmare all over again...Time to find out who your real friends are...! Lavander oil always worked for me instead of using the oils everyday try using hair conditioner on wet hair and coming it through. it won't dry your hair out like the oild do and it is effective. i have two daughters who have really long hair and that is the best way to get rid without drying your hair out. i still use the oils but only twice a week as tea tree is very drying on the hair and scalp as it has astringent qualities . i won't use the chemical solutions as they don't work as the little buggers are immune to most of them. you can get a repellent spray from asda that works, but the best thing is the wet comb and conditioner. lavender oil also works. Neem oil mixed with geranium and lavender. The neem is quite an unusual and not particularly pleasant smell but it works.

You can soak quasia chips (its a bark) and spray that on your hair too.

The neem seems to be the main one that works you leave it on the hair (it may be best to do it at the weekend or whenever you arent going to work or somewhere around lots of people)

I wouldnt use boiling water, just the above oils mixed with olive or almond oil.

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