What are some home remedies for ear ache or ear infection?!


What are some home remedies for ear ache or ear infection?

My fiance has a ear infection we belive and we are wondering what some home remedies are that we could try.

Answers: I had strep throat last year and an ear ache. I put a small piece of pealed garlic on a thin piece of gauze and stuck it in my ear for a few minutes. It relieved the pain while it was in there. I didn't leave it in for long because I've heard that raw garlic can burn the skin.

You could also cut a raw onion in half, place a paper towel over it and hold it to the ear or lay on it. Onion draws.

Warmth helps. Use a heating pad. you can try using "sweet oil" you can get it at any drug store. Just put a few drops in and then put cotton in that ear. Or I've seen ear ache drops at the drug store too. Good luck. allergy meds, and some peroxide in the ear Best yo see the Doc as its important not to mess with your ear as the infection can go in deeper and affect the workings of the inner ear which will cause irreversible deafness If your ear is infected he will prescribe some liquid antibiotic drops and lastly never poke these cotton buds into your ear as they can also do untold damage an old saying was the only thing that should be put in your ear is your elbow nothing smaller! There are homeopathic ear infection remedies. You could also try colloidal silver directly into the ear. I would see a doctor if the ear infection persists though.

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