Tibetan Medicine?!


Tibetan Medicine?

Can anyone tell me where I can find Tibetan Medicine or a Tibetan Doctor in London?

Answers: So many people have said that Tibet is the source of a lot of different healing modalities however Try all of Asia instead. Tibet use to be a major part of the Asian world and as the different tribes battled and changed locations, they became China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan etc. India was affected but not as much.

So look for a TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese medicine is 5000 years old. I don' t think you will find a labled "Tibet Doctor or Tibet Medicine"

The history of Tibet and China changed during the reign of
Huangti, the Yellow Emperor, who defeated all the other Aborigines, the way was prepared for a permanent Chinese settlement in the Middle Kingdom in 2300 BC.

This is recognized by all historians as a Century of enlighten and progress. The yellow emperor was Created with Extended medicine & medical science, his leadership helped creating the Compass, inspired Invention of Boats, carts, bows, arrows and bamboo musical instruments. Utensils of wood, pottery and metal. Began commerce using weights, measures, & copper money. Uniformed taxation. Created a calendar for the land and helped to Promoted six kinds of writing.

During this time Yung Cheng constructed a celestial globe
Yep.. the Chinese knew the world was round 5,000 years ago
Its a Duh.. the sun is round, the moon is round and they both rise and set in a circular pattern. Source(s):
Book "Outlines of Chines History by Li Ung Bing, Shanghai 1914. Huangti the Yellow Emperor I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you, but just a reply to the post above me. There is a difference between tibetan and chinese medicine. We actually have a tibetan doctor here at my work. They're similar, but yet very different. I have studied a little bit of both (I do not claim to be an expert in either. I'm definitely not). I don't disagree that things overlap and cultures invade each other. That's just fact and history.
Sorry I couldn't help you, but just wanted to make sure that you didn't get misinformed. It doesn't hurt to look for either of them. They are both wonderful.

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