How do you get rid of a boil?!


How do you get rid of a boil?

Ive had one before and it came to a head and went away, this one is on my damn baby finger and its hard, has no head, and sore as hell, its making it hard to grip onto anything, its a little smaller than the size of a dime. What is the best way to get rid of this?

Answers: Most boils run their course within 4 to 10 days. For most people, self-care by applying a warm compress or soaking the boil in warm water can help alleviate the pain and hasten draining of the pus (colloquially referred to as "bringing the boil to a head"). Once the boil drains, the area should be washed with antibacterial soap and bandaged well.

If it happens often, some skin health products like Vitamins A and E, Fish Oil, Biotin, Silica (available naturally in Horsetail herb), MSM, and Hyaluronic Acid. Source(s): and me (I'm a Product Specialist for a vitamin company) pop it The following measures may help the infection heal more quickly and prevent it from spreading:

Apply a warm washcloth or compress to the affected area. Do this for at least 10 minutes every few hours. If possible, first soak the cloth or compress in warm salt water. This helps the boil rupture and drain more quickly. To make salt water, add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 quart of boiling water and cool to a comfortable temperature.
Gently wash the boil two to three times a day. After washing, apply an over-the-counter antibiotic and cover with a bandage.
Never squeeze or lance a boil. This can spread the infection.
Wash your hands thoroughly after treating a boil. Also, launder clothing, towels or compresses that have touched the infected area.

Complementary and alternative medicine

Tea tree oil, which is extracted from the leaves of the Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), has been used for centuries as an antiseptic, antibiotic and antifungal agent. It may help relieve discomfort and speed healing.

For best results, apply the oil to a boil several times a day. The oil can cause allergic reactions in some people, so be sure to stop using it if you have any problems Web MD has a good article that discusses treatment. I've cut and pasted below.

What are boils?

A boil is a red, swollen, painful bump under the skin. It often looks like an overgrown pimple. Boils are often caused by infected hair follicles. Bacteria from the infection form an abscess, or pocket of pus. A boil can become large and cause severe pain.

Boils most often happen where there is hair and rubbing. The face, neck, armpits, breasts, groin, and buttocks are common sites.
How do you treat a boil?

You can sometimes care for a boil at home.

* Do not squeeze, scratch, drain, or open the boil. Squeezing can push the infection deeper into the skin.
* Gently wash the area with soap and water 2 times a day. Dry it well.
* Put warm, wet cloths on the boil for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. Do this as soon as you notice a boil. The heat and moisture can help the boil to open and drain, but it may take 5 to 7 days. A warm compress or waterproof heating pad placed over a damp towel may also help.
* Keep using heat for 3 days after the boil opens. Put a bandage on it so the drainage does not spread. Change the bandage every day.
* If the boil is draining on its own, let it drain. Keep cleaning it twice a day with soap and water.

Your doctor may want to cut a small opening in the boil so that the pus can drain out. This is called lancing the boil. He or she will numb the area first. Sometimes gauze is placed in the cut so that it stays open and keeps draining.

Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to stop the infection. Take your antibiotics as directed. Do not stop taking them just because you feel better or the boil looks better. You need to take the full course of antibiotics.
When should you call a doctor?

Call your doctor if:

* The boil is on your face, near your spine, or near your anus.
* A boil is getting larger.
* You have any other lumps near the boil, especially if they hurt.
* You are in a lot of pain.
* You have a fever.
* The area around the boil is red or has red streaks leading from it.
* You have diabetes and you get a boil.
* The boil is as large as a ping-pong ball.
* The boil has not improved after 5 to 7 days of home treatment.
* You get many boils over several months.

How can you prevent boils?

If you often get boils in the same spot, gently wash the area well with soapy water every day. Antibacterial soap may help prevent boils. Always dry the area well. Do not wear tight clothing over the area.

If you have many boils, your doctor may prescribe a cream or ointment that you put inside your nose. This is because the bacteria that usually cause boils sometimes live inside the nose and then spread to other areas, including your skin. Your doctor may also advise you to take antibiotics for a longer time than normal. These medicines may help keep boils from coming back. We used to lance them and put a piece of sliced potato on it. this draws out the poision. just slice it up and put it on it with tape and should draw it out overnite. You should wrap the rest of the pota in plastic wrap and put in frig. May be something else, without a head.Hang in there. Hi AshTray

Here are some ideas on how to heal the issue. Learn about detoxifing the blood for long term health (colon and liver cleansing).

The infection is usually due to the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.

Recurrent boils can occur in people with decreased immune function, diabetes, chronic gastrointestinal problems, under active thyroid, lowered resistance due to borderline nutrient deficiencies, and chronic emotional stress.


Natural Cures

Note: Bursting a boil can spread it, leaving scars, and usually does no good until the core is expelled.

Aromatherapy: Draw out the boil with bergamot, lavender, chamomile, and clary sage.

Ayurveda: To bring boil to a head, apply a poultice of cooked onions. Wrap in cloth and do not apply onion directly to boils. Application of a paste of 1/2 teaspoon each of tumeric and ginger powder directly to boil.

Diet: Eat plenty of green, orange, and yellow vegetables, which are cleansing (try to have at least four different types of green vegetables a day, and keep this up for at least six months). Increase fluids, drinking water throughout the day, and drinking water with juice of fresh lemon and one teaspoon of chlorophyll upon rising and before bed. Also avoid over-consumption of white sugar and white flour products.

Flower Essences: Rescue Remedy Cream? can be applied (minimum four times a day) on unbroken skin around, but not directly on, boils. Flower essences for negative feelings surrounding the problem, such as Rescue Remedy? to help alleviate stress or Crab Apple for low self-esteem, negative body image, and feeling toxic.

Herbs: A blend of the tinctures of echinacea, cleavers, and yellowdock in equal parts, taken one teaspoonful three times a day can help speed the healing time for boils. Additionally, drinking a cup of an infusion of nettle, preferably fresh herb, twice a day, can be helpful.

Homeopathy: Bellis, Belladonna, Hepar sulph., Arnica, Silicea, Apis mel., Arsen alb., and Lachesis are all useful homeopathic remedies that can be taken alone or in combination with each other. Phytolacca is another useful remedy, but it must be taken alone.

Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment.
*Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. The section: Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water, offers clear instructions and recommendations.

Juice Therapy: Juice of parsley, spinach, celery, and pineapple may help to purify the blood. As an alternative, beet root juice can also be used, and is a traditional remedy used in Europe to help treat boils.

Nutritional Supplementation: The following nutrients can all be helpful for treating boils, due to their ability to boost immunity: garlic capsules, kelp, chlorophyll, proteolytic (pancreatic) enzymes (taken on empty stomach two to three times daily away from meals), vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, raw thymus glandular, and zinc.

For boils compounded by chronic emotional stress, also consider adrenal and thymus glandulars, vitamin B5 (1 gram four times daily), and vitamin C (1 gram every hour).

Topical Treatment: Apply a mixture of honey, the oil from vitamins E and A, and zinc oxide to the infected areas. Do this several times a day, up to once per hour. Other effective topical treatments include a poultice of goldenseal root powder paste, hot Epsom salt pack (two tablespoons in one cup water), tea tree oil, or a poultice of one part sesame oil and one part lime juice mixed and applied externally.

Colloidal silver applied topically can also result in marked improvements.

Alternative Professional Care
If your symptoms persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a qualified health professional. The following professional care therapies have all been shown to be useful for treating and relieving the symptoms of boils: Detoxification Therapy, Environmental Medicine, Fasting, Guided Imagery, Magnetic Field Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Osteopathy, Oxygen Therapy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Best of health to you Hi, there. Here's a sure-fire way to cure boils:

- Apply Tea Tree essential oil to the boil several times per day and cover with a sterile dressing. Tea Tree is the strongest antibacterial known to man, and will help eliminate the infection from the outside. Adding 1-2 drops of TTO to a glass of water 3 times per day will help your body fight the boil from the inside.

- Take large doses of Turmeric. Turmeric is a common spice often found in curry powder. It has very powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is the best cure for boils that I've ever found. You can either take Turmeric supplements, use a Turmeric extract, or add high doses of Turmeric to everything you eat.

- Every night before bed, take the hottest bath you can stand (but not TOO hot). Add 1 quart apple cider vinegar, 1 cup salt, 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup epsom salts to the bath. You can also add 5-10 drops of Tea Tree oil. Soak in the tub for 15-25 minutes. Make sure the boil is submerged. The heat of the bath and the potent detoxifiers and purifiers that were added will help your body heal the boil. After the bath, wrap up in a warm, fuzzy blanket and let yourself sweat for another half hour. This treatment will allow your body to purge itself of many toxins, especially the bacteria causing the boil.

- While you have the boil (or every day), take up to 10,000 IU Vitamin A (necessary for skin health), 500-1000 mg Vitamin C (necessary for healing and a powerful antioxidant), 50 mg Zinc (immunity booster), B-Complex Vitamin (B vitamins support all body systems), 400 IU Vitamin E (powerful antioxidant and skin support), and a daily multivitamin. The combination of these vitamins and supplements will help strengthen you body so that it can heal itself.

- DO NOT try to bring the boil to a head. Using the steps shown above, your body will be able to eliminate the infection and expel it from the body, allowing the boil to heal without coming to a head and bursting. I've used with method repeatedly and have never had a boil last more than 2-3 days before it gradually diminished and disappeared.

I wish you the very best of luck! Home Remedies For Boils

1. Bitter gourd is an effective home remedy for blood-filled boils. A cupful of fresh juice of this vegetable, mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice, should be taken, sip by sip, on an empty stomach daily for a few months to treat this condition.

2. Garlic and onions have proved most effective among the several home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of boils

3. Application of turmeric powder on boils speeds up the healing process. In the case of fresh boils, a few dry roots of turmeric are roasted, the ashes dissolved in a cupful of water, and then applied over the affected portion. This solution enables the boils to ripen and burst.

4. Take a handful of crushed parsley and wrap in cheesecloth.
Apply to the boil and wrap a hot cloth around the area.
Repeat, covering the area with the hot cloth for about 15

5. Soak a piece of bread in lemon juice and apply to the boil.

Cover with a loose bandage and try to leave on overnight.


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