Cholesterol how to lower it?!


Cholesterol how to lower it?

i have been told by my eye doctor that i need to have my cholesterol checked. i don't like taking drugs, is there something i can do in a natural way to lower it?

Answers: Just do an internet search, there is so much stuff out there, you need not waste time getting amateur opinions here.

Try the American Heart Association and South Beach Diet for starters. Yep- Exercise, loose weight if you are heavy - eat more fruits and veggies - reduce the amount of processed foods and fats you eat and eat more whole grains - some of your problem may be hereditary and may not be in your control - take the steps you can to make a diffrerence in your HDL numbers... niacin and low cholesterol diet fish body oils- omega 3
flax seed oils (liquid or pill)- omega 3,6,9 Quit eating animal products, especially shellfish. Use extra virgin olive oil on your veggies instead of butter, cut out cheese You can try all of the above. Most people fail to reduce cholesterol very much if at all by doing any or all of the above. The most reliable and certain way is to take advantage of all the wonderful research and development that the drug companies have done.
Most heart doctors in the USA are taking a statin and have been for many years. A statin blocks the production of cholesterol in the liver. In the last few years, Zetia has been on the market. It blocks the uptake of cholesterol from the gut into the system.
Normal cholesterol in countries where they do not have heart attacks is 75- 125mg. Normal in the USA is 200mg. 50% of Americans are dying from cholesterol clogged arteries! It sounds to me like 200mg is a lethal level.
My cholesterol was 210mg. I started on a combination of statin and zetia about 3 years ago. The last reading was 106mg!! I did cut out sugar quite a bit. But I have not changed my eating habits very much. Junk food, pizza's, meat every day.
If your eye doctor can see evidence of cholesterol in your eyes, you probably need to get your cholesterol down as fast as possible. Those meds are miraculous. It may even reverse the cholesterol that is clogging your arteries already. Don't fool around with 'alternative' meds or other anecdotal methods. They either do not work or are unreliable. Cholesterol is very sneaky, like hi BP. Very little symptoms until kaboom!! and you are disabled or dead. Try plant sterols. They are chemically similar to cholesterol. The body can only absorb so much cholesterol at once so if you take plant sterols with a meal your body absorbs less cholestrol because it is also absorbing plant sterols at the same time. There are several supplements on the market that contain plant sterols. I know ENP has a liquid version. Niacin is also beneficial but start slowly on it or it could give you a flush (uncomfortable but harmless). Oats, oatmeal, oats based muesli, garlic, fish oil, hawthorn and many others that you can find in a web search for "high cholesterol" + "natural remedies".

Improving your diet woul also help. Less animal fats. avoid junk food
& you can try cholestasys " a natural product ' .. see at :

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