Has anyone ever heard of a liver cleansing that you can do at home?!


Has anyone ever heard of a liver cleansing that you can do at home?

Did you try it, and do you think it really worked?

I was reading about this, and you're supposed to drink a lot of apple juice for 6 days and then drink water mixed with epsom salts and then another drink with grapefruit right before you sleep, then one more drink with epsom salt in the morning. Anyone heard of this? Anyone do it and can you tell me what you thought?

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2 days ago
This supposedly releases all of the gall stones that have accumulated in the liver. You poop them out after drinking all of this stuff.

Answers: 2 days ago
This supposedly releases all of the gall stones that have accumulated in the liver. You poop them out after drinking all of this stuff. Yes, yes, yes...I have done approx. 10

A great place to talk to others and learn about it and post questions during your liver/gallbladder cleanse is the Liver Flush Forum at www.curezone.com. You're never alone in what you are experiencing...

Good docs support this. The ones who would prefer to have your $$$$ for surgery to cut the BG out, NEVER will encourage you! Another example...loads of people take the stones to their docs/have analyzed by labs...the docs who are against anything that takes money out of their pockets will deny they are gallstones...but ER docs and those who see these stones all the time KNOW they are gallstones.

I am getting ready to start them again this weekend actually...I prefer the Coke Flush (look under recipes at the top of CZ Liver Flush Support page)...get loads more out with that one and it's not as nasty to choke down.

The goal is to get stones....if you are really congested, you will get what we call 'sand' or 'chaff' and it looks like cornmeal (broken stones)....if you are MASSIVELY congested... you will only get colored water for a flush or two.

GOOD LUCK!! :) Waste of time, do not listen to anyone that tells you different. click on the link below before you waste your time and money. here in the philippines there is a food supplement named..'liveraide'..it helps clean the liver... There are different ways of cleansing for different reasons. Like liver cleanse, gall bladder cleanse, kidney cleanse, parasite cleanse etc. They are real and something that has been done for hundreds of years, but is forgotten knowledge by the main stream since the industrial age. Its the feel ill take a pill mentality now.

http://www.spice-of-life.com and click on "Articles" on health. The information is eye opening.

Anything that says that cleanses don't work are pharmaceutical propaganda or backed by someone getting paid to say otherwise by a huge pharmaceutical company (i.e. Steven Barrat;s quackwatch site) or someone parroting what they say who has no experience with cleanses... Because, rather than lowering bad cholesterol or removing the gall bladder or preventing cancer... They want you to buy their drugs.

Yes, people who do the proper cleanses have actually pooped out their gall stones. Study this information to understand it. Its revealing the fact that the body has the ability to correct and heal itself. Milk Thistle is the traditional herbal liver cleanser. Astragalus is also helpful for the liver. I have had good results with both. If you have gallstones then 1 tablespoon of apple cider in a glass of apple juice will relieve the pain of an acute attack. Peppermint oil capsules will cleanse the gallbladder. Pick up a copy of Prescriptions for Herbal Healing by Phyllis A Balch. I use it all the time. It has helped me and my friends with lots of problems. Hope you feel better soon. Go to the website CUREZONE.com. All the answers are there. That Is where I found my way of a better living. There is NO....repeat, NO such thing as a liver cleanse nor a gallstone cleanse nor a kidney cleanse.These are money making scams that offer no scientific proof, only anecdotal reports from those selling the products or those misinformed people desperate for miracle/non-mainstream medical cures or treatments.But, if you wish to manage your health on the basis of information received on the Internet by anonymous wannabe medical experts .......P.T.Barnum was right (there's a sucker born every minute).

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