Whats the best lip balm?!


Whats the best lip balm?

My lips have been gettin really bad. they got really chaped and i started using a medicated chap stick and it hasn't been working. i need help and fast

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22 hours ago
and i already use blistex and it burns

Answers: 22 hours ago
and i already use blistex and it burns 1.Drinking additional fluids is a natural and easy way to keep your lips from chapping. Several ounces of water every few hours.

2.Another way to help counter dry lips is to humidify the air in your home and office.

3.Allergy and sensitivity to flavoring agents in toothpaste, candy, chewing gum and mouthwash can cause chapped lips in some people. "Cinnamon-flavored products and some tartar control toothpastes can be especially irritating. " Avoid them.

4.Don't lick your lips! Frequent lip-licking (something most of us do without even thinking about it) can lead to dry, cracked, painful lips. That's because as the saliva on your lips evaporates, it takes your lips' natural moisture with it -- and since lips don't have oil glands, their natural moisture is scarce to begin with.

5.Moisturize and protect your parched, peeling lips with castor oil. Carry a small squeeze bottle of the oil and apply it with your finger often throughout the day. If you plan to be out in the sun, use a natural petroleum- and alcohol-free balm with an SPF15 a few minutes after rubbing in the castor oil. I like Carmex. And Blistex is good, too.

But also plain old margarine (from a tub) works just fine.

There's not really any need to buy lip balm. burt's bees stuff is really good. Things like carmex have things in there that make your lips "addicted" to them. I can tell the difference when I use different kinds of lip balms because of how quickly my lips become dry again. For that reason, I hate carmex. lol My lips get too dry too fast again. I also use soft lips from time to time. Great answers. My daughter has this problem and needs new options that might work. Thanks. when mine are badly chapped, i use neosporin (or generic) for a day or two...clears them up quickly. Burt's Bees and Softlips are the best, but you need to drink more water. Lips become dry and cracked when our bodies become dehydrated. If you don't like to drink water try to add a couple drops of Lemon Juice to it and freeze the bottles and as they melt drink them. if what you're using isn't working, you might have problems with menthol. I do and I use aveeno lip balm (the non-medicated). it works really well. also, vitamin world has an e stick that works wonders I'm a fan of Burt's Bees lip balms. They feel so good on my lips and soften them very nicely. There's also a lip plumper from Jane Ayerdale, and that is very moisturizing. The best lip balm I have every tried is Lypsyl.

It goes on smooth instead of being waxy, and does a good job.

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