Can you reccomend a good yeast cleanse?!


Can you reccomend a good yeast cleanse?

I am in need of doing a yeast cleanse for systemic yeast. I believe it is the source of several health problems I'm doctor is in agreement....Any suggestions of a good cleanse? Or a good website with step by step instructions or information? And if you have ever done one - what was it like, did it work? Would you mind sharing your experience with me? Thanks in advance!

Additional Details

6 hours ago
fyi- I do not need help with a vaginal yeast infection - I'm talking about 'systemic yeast' I know there are specific diets to do a cleanse - I just don't know which one is best - and there are tons of them on the internet when you search.....

5 hours ago
no- my doctor isn't worried about hurting my feelings...she suggested the cleanse...I am really just wanting to know how someone felt physically when they did the cleanse....that's all - (geez I should have worded this question diferently!)

Answers: 6 hours ago
fyi- I do not need help with a vaginal yeast infection - I'm talking about 'systemic yeast' I know there are specific diets to do a cleanse - I just don't know which one is best - and there are tons of them on the internet when you search.....5 hours ago
no- my doctor isn't worried about hurting my feelings...she suggested the cleanse...I am really just wanting to know how someone felt physically when they did the cleanse....that's all - (geez I should have worded this question diferently!) As of February 1999, a study came out through the Fisher Institute for Medical Research concluding the effects of Glyconutrient Compounds on Candida Albicans having a 95% kill by Macrophages. Get it by messaging me... The results of macrophage phagocytosis and killing assays following a challenge with Candida Albicans indicate that supplying the formulation of known saccharides in culture medium with all 8 essential glycoproteins as a supplementation to your daily diet, enhances the bioactivity associated with this type of host cell defense. It was noted, however, that it was necessary to have a full spectrum of glycoproteins rather than a few, to have the killing activity against Candida to be most singificant. There is only one company in the world that owns a full spectrum of glyconutrients with multiple monosaccharides to help modulate the immune system. Message me for that.

So good luck, and until next time, here are the "do's and don'ts" when it comes to the 30-day Candida diet:

Forbidden Foods:

Breads - including yeast-free wheat and rye breads.
Exceptions: rice and corn breads, and yeast-free pita breads are OK.

Dairy Products - including yogurt.
Fermented Foods - Mushrooms, champagne, wine and beer or anything fermented; for example, miso and tofu.
Fruits - including apples, pears, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, peaches, prunes dates or dried fruits (too much sugar).
Fruit Juices - especially when fasting.
Exceptions: The juices of allowed fruits, and those only sparingly, cut with natural healthy water, completely free of pollution. (I like Trinity Water at: I make no profit off of this water whatsoever.

Wheat and Rye - in crackers, cereal, breads and pasta.
Tea or Coffee - not even caffeine-free coffee or herbal teas.
Sugar - in any form; no honey, molasses, maple syrup or artificial sweeteners.
Sauces - of any kind unless homemade without peppers, sugar, vinegar or syrup.
Vinegars - including those found in salad dressing, mustard and mayonnaise. Peppers, Horseradish and Canned or Fried foods.

Avoid: refrigerated leftovers, especially meat. Freeze the leftovers and heat them later (especially for meats, because they will become damp and moldy overnight.)

Allowed foods:

Water - distilled
Vegetable Juices - freshly squeezed, not canned (such as V-8)
Cranberry Juice - unsweetened
Wheatgrass Juice
Fruit Juices - of allowed fruits, in moderation and cut with distilled water Coconut and Rice Milk
Chicken, Turkey & Egg whites
Most Fish - preferably cold water fish (salmon, true cod, sea bass)
Vegetables - steamed or stir-fried; avoid eating them raw
Rice and Corn Breads, and Yeast-Free Pita Breads.

Rice Cakes, Rice Crackers, Corn Tortillas, Corn Chips, Nuts and Seeds.
Exceptions: peanuts and pistachios.

Legumes - (beans) soaked and drained several times for a minimum of 24 hours.
Leafy Greens - lettuce, tomatoes and avocados with flaxseed, avocado or linseed oil and a dash of lemon juice as a salad dressing.
Tropical Fruits - papaya, mango, kiwi, pineapple, banana, honeydew melon, coconut and guava.
Caution: use fruits only in the morning. Do not eat after other meals. Some people (10%) cannot eat fruit at all because of the high fructose content or acidity (banana and pineapple). just do a yahoo search thats what I did. I get yeast infections quite often and what I use is buttermilk. You just dab it on and it helps with the itching. Also garlic is great for the yeast. What you do is peel a clove of garlic- wrap and tie gauze around it leaving a long string left. Then your supposed to insert it like a tampon and take it out after you've slept with it in all night and it should help beat your yeast infections within a few days. I hope I wasn't too graphic. Good luck! Yogurt. Plain douche with it. douching with yogurt is a great way to get an infection...

yeast are a pretty hardy organism, i doubt simply changing your diet will get rid of a systemic yeast problem if you actually do have one. does the doctor actually suspect a yeast infection, or did you suggest it and he just sat back, nodded his head and said "mmm yeah sure, that could be it" to avoid an arguement or hurting your feelings?

if the doc really thinks its a problem you probably need drugs to correct it WHEAT,BREADS/DOUGH,GRAINS AND ULTIMATELY SUGAR AND ANY FUNGI FOODS LIKE MUSHROOMS & PASTUERIZED DAIRY


RAW FRUITS & VEGGIES more in your diet...
I listed a couple of sites you should read the info and I know you said you do not have a infection but you do NEED TO KNOW THIS INFO, it CAN MAKE a DIFFERENCE!! My sister also had a terrible yeast problem in her whole body. She has now also been diagnosed with Lupus. We wonder if it has been caused by her body constantly fighting the yeast.
Try this:

HTH! 1. Do colon cleansing for 2-3 months .
This is such a crucial first step. To first eliminate candida, we must clean our colon through bowel cleansing. Think about it: if your colon is clogged, and full of toxins, how will any anti-fungal (such as Oregano Oil, Garlic, etc) reach your intestines efficiently?

2. Take an anti-fungal supplement for 2 weeks such as Oregano Oil, Caprylic acid, etc. Follow the directions and guidelines in the label. You usually start out taking one capsule for the first few days, and gradually increasing the dosage until you're taking 5-7 capsules a day (spread throughout the day).

3.After 2 weeks, take a high-quality probiotic.
Remember, candidiasis is caused because the proportion of candida to beneficial bacteria is not balanced. Adding more beneficial bacteria to your intestines by taking probiotics will help correct this balance.

4. After 4 weeks, you may want to repeat steps 1-2 on more time. Take 2 more weeks of anti-fungals, then 2 more weeks of probiotics.

5. Every single day, take a colon cleanser/fiber shake such as Psyllium Husk & Bentonite Clay Some people like to add anti-fungals into their fiber shake - this is actually a great idea.

What you do is this: make your fiber shake, and afterwards add in a teaspoon of liquid caprylic acid, Oregano Oil, or even grapefruit seed extract.

6. Do rebounding. This in general, should be done in all kinds of cleansing regimens such as colon cleansing.

Rebounding involves jumping on a trampoline - it flushes out the toxins using out lymphatic system, so we don't experience die-off effects from the candida cleanse.

It's not the anti-fungal or probiotic you take. It's doing colon cleansing first with a high-quality colon cleansing program. If you start taking anti-fungals you will not get better, because your colon is full of mucoid plaque and toxins. Cleanse your colon first... then kill that candida with Oregano oil, caprylic acid,or even grapefruit seed extract. Sometimes it takes a very powerful antifungal,maybe a perscription antifungal,but there are natural antifungals.First of all you need to eliminate all sugar and carbs that break down into sugar.Ideal diet would be protein and vegitables only,and water.Some natural antifungals include aloe vera,wild oregeno,garlic,olive leaf,black walnut.I tried to treat my son for this.It is very difficult to get rid of.Sometimes it can take months or years to get rid of.Also the die-off of the candida can make you extremely sick.Charcoal tabs can help absorb the toxins.You probably need to use a prescription anti-fungal.I would rotate with the natural ones.

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