Whats the best headache cure?!


Whats the best headache cure?

Not from alcohol by the way, i got stuffy nose and a headache :(

Im at work so limited to what i can get my hands on, i cant leave the building and go to the shops cuz i do the security.

Got hot drinks machine, whats the best thing? Tea, Coffee, hot choc, soup, orange squash or chilled water or coke.


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2 days ago
I have taken a 600mg painkiller about 30 mins ago and now the headache is going its just the stuffed up nose.

Answers: 2 days ago
I have taken a 600mg painkiller about 30 mins ago and now the headache is going its just the stuffed up nose. If you have a stuffed up nose as well, you're likely to have a sinus problem. That's no fun. Um, the other main thing it to figure out why you have the headache. Is it caffeine related? Sick? Are they common? Are you staring at a computer too long? etc etc etc. Hot liquids are great for congestion. Avoid milk and hot chocolate. They just thicken mucus and make it worse. If you don't want hot liquids, drink them at room temp. Cold water also tends to coat the mucus. What I find works really well is hot lemonade. If you can't do that, stick with tea or even some plain hot water. Don't like just water? Add some lemon (lemon juice works as well). This will help. If you have a stuffy nose and heache this is most likely sinus. Take Sudafed and some ibuprofen or naproxen. If that doesn't help then see your doc as you may have sinusitis. " Strong Sweet Black Coffee. " Take two of these @@ and see your doctor in the morning. Large quantities of juice does it for me. A nurse friend told me to try it as it was probable minor dehydration and she was right, it worked. I have heard Gatorade works. Maybe there is some there or another brand of that type of drink. hUN IF YOU GOT A HEADACHE LAY ON THE BED AND LET YOUR HEAD HANG DOWN ALMOST TO THE FLOOR FOR AWHILE, THE BLOOD FLOW GETS INTO YOUR BRAING AND TAKES THE HEADACHE AWAY! HOPE THIS WORKS FOR YOU. GOOD LUCK! Drink the tea relax and apply pressure to the pressure points that are located about where your eyebrow begins on the inside above the bridge of your nose,You will feel the indent about the size of A pea. it will hurt with to much pressure but you will be able to tell you have found them this way as the pain will be the same on both points. Apply light pressure while relaxing with your head back the more pain you can stand in moderation the better hold for about a minute then let up, Your headache should be gone if not repeat Hi,the thing that works for me is taking two nurofen,it gets rid of my headaches quickly. Decapitation - is the ultimate cure

It hard to do it yourself though ! For "CURING" you really need to know the cause. Ask your self the following questions" WHO, WHAT, WHERE WHEN HOW AND WHY? Maybe the WHO: is more difficult but do certain others around you tend to trigger your headaches?, if so avoid them if you can. WHAT: causes the headaches...this is the most direct approach...there are many, many things that can trigger headaches. Home, work environment are the obvious ones, there is also traffic problems,(driving to and from work) Your job can be stressful. Drink wise may I suggest you avoid coffee, coke and chocolate and cold water ? Water at room temperature would be the least controversial drink of those you mentioned. WHERE: have you noticed where you are when you the headaches start? when waking? when going to bed? when eating? when driving? when working? Keep a diary of WHEN & WHERE they start analyise the WHYs how long do they last -- for instence if you noticed that about an hour after breakfast (and if you don't eat breakfast that could cause a headache!!) you might look at what you eat and that goes for any meals its better to eat three meals a day then skip them. HOW: does it happen? this can be linked to WHERE for instance you may work in a manufacturing plant and How they do What they do could be WHY you have headaches and stuffy nose..so check your Home and Work enviornment. MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF see your Doctor first...if what he or she says doesn't work there are alternative medicenes that might...but that would be another question from you. All the best and I hope you are soon HEADACHE FREE !!. I think it's important to find out the cause of your headache. Think back and question yourself. Could it be due to stress? Weather? Not enough rest ? If it's due to stress, then you'll have to try to relax. Listen to music, walk around, close your eyes and do some deep breathing. If it's due to hot weather, drink more water. Perhaps, soaking your whole head onto a pail of water might help. Just my 2 cents worth :) lots of water, hot water is also good. avoid caffeine.

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