Some good home remedies for a boyfriend who snores. I cant sleep!?!


Some good home remedies for a boyfriend who snores. I cant sleep!?

Answers: If he is snoring that loudly he needs to be evaluated for sleep apnoea it can be dangerous.
when he snores does he have a reg pattern just breathing in and out or does it starts and stops
does he feel tired during the day??
has his concentration declined lately
these are all signs of this.

He needs a sleep study done if he does have this and if he is treated he life will change over night.

for now he can try those breath rite strips they do help many
for most they only snore on their backs so I have heard that putting a tennis ball in a sock and pinning it too the back of their shirt so when they roll on it they turn back over.

using a orthopaedic pillow as it tilts the head back
they have some cheaper ones at walmart but they do not last long so if they work for him go to one of the more expensive ones as they last for years.

I have heard of sprays you could use you spray them on the back of the throat but I do not know anyone who tried them so I can not say if they work

you could try ear plugs
or put music on in the room
I would not suggest putting music on with headphones as it is not good for your ear drums. Source(s):
personal experience
in health care field haha, pinch his nose =] That's what my dad used to do to my mom. Two suggestions. When I snore, many times it is due to congestion. Try getting him to take a sudafed before going to bed to help with that. Otherwise, have you tried those Breath-Right strips? The trick is to get him to breathe through his nose. People can't make all that racket if they breathe through their noses. They are selling all kinds of remedies for snoring these days, but they won't work unless he breathes through his nose.

If he sleeps in his side or stomach, he probably won't do snore.

Breathe right strips might help keep his nasal passages open.

If he is overweight, losing weight might stop it.

If he agrees, tape his mouth shut.

Get some earplugs.

One important thing: If he stops breathing for a few seconds or up to a minute, then starts again, he has sleep apnea and should see a doctor, I bought a fan and some ear plugs... the ear plugs muffled the white noise and I could fall asleep... we tried all of those breath right strips and stuff and they didn't work... if it gets really bad I just kick him and he rolls over... my stepmom actually has to go up and be asleep before my dad goes to bed because he's so loud. She has a fan too and says it helps a lot... sometimes all you can do is get them to move positions and stop so you can fall asleep... most partners get used to the noise... but I can't! Good Luck! He should sleep with his head slightly elevated. Using two pillows ought to do it.

If he's overweight, that may be a cause.

If he has sleep apnea (where he stops breathing for seconds at a time), he needs to see a doctor. Hey I just wanted to say I liked the quotes u put for ur answer. Believe it or not...a snore pillow. My father-in-law rocked the walls for years. And I mean LOUD snoring. Finally, his wife bought a snore pillow from WalMart or K-Mart and it really did work.

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