Do u have faith on Aurvedic Medicine.R they r better than Allopathic Medicines.?!


Do u have faith on Aurvedic Medicine.R they r better than Allopathic Medicines.?

what is cough pitah&all that etc.

Answers: Aurveda actually elimates the desease from your body. Allopathic only controls or counter attacks the desease.

Find below the reason why Ayurveda removes the desease:
According to Ayurveda, the whole universe is made up of five different elements, named Pancha Bhootas or the five elements.

The five elements are

Akash (Sky)
- Vaccum is required to pump the blood and breath air
Bhoomi (Earth
- All solid parts of the body (Flesh, bone etc)
Jal (Water)
- Blood, urine, hormones, etc
Vayu (Air, Wind)
- our breath, oxygen etc
Agni (Fire)
- Our nervous system is a electronic and is the fire component

The universe is made of these five elements. Human body and everything we find in this nature is made of these five elements. Human body is no exception.

Human body is composed of all the five elements of the nature. The combination of elements will be different in different persons. From the difference in combinations comes another basic principle or concept of Ayurveda, the Tridosha Theory.

Based on the time of your birth experts can calculate and find out which category you belong to :

i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha

This can be derived even with experiements available in Ayurveda.

Once they define which body you belong to, accordingly treatment is giving to you, to correct your basic 5 elements and the dosha. This elimates the issue.

Hope you find the above information useful.

If you need more info please do send me messages:

With warm regards
Gentleman auyrvedic meds are slow in curing but no side effects .... i beleive in them ..... still allopathy is what i recommand for severe infections ......... Ayurvedic medicine CAN be better than "standard medicine", but isn't always.

The biggest thing is that natural products are really for preventative, not for "curing" per se. Natural products simply provide nutrition for the body that may be otherwise lacking from the daily diet. And of course, that's aside from the fact that standard drugs tend to have a LOT of side effects when compared with natural products.

Most people that take Ayurvedic products take them to prevent getting sick in the first place. There are quite a few of those people that would go to Allopathic medicine if they got really sick (where their body couldn't normally heal them efficiently, even with Ayurvedic products).... but that tends to be very seldom for those who know what they are doing with natural products.

The main problem with drugs is that they literally turn off some natural process in your body to reach a desired result. That's the reason that drugs have SO many side effects, while supplements only have most side effects from allergic reactions and some medical conditions or drugs that may interact with it (which isn't the supplement itself).

In short, natural products are seldom better than "standard medicine" once you're already really sick.... but they are far superior when it comes to not getting sick in the first place. Yes, I have faith in Ayurveda and Homeopathy. And in good hands, they work as well or better than allopathy.

It is kapha, pitta, Vata, Sleshma (Doshas). To know more, check out good ayurvedic sites. Do a google search. If any medicine is not having side effects, it's efficacy is doubtful. Ayurvedic medicines does not have any control from FDA what ingredients used and their sources. If you yourself prepare the medicine with the natural raw materials you can be sure. Do not trust anything in the name of Herbal. All are misnomers.

Use allopathy to cure the disease and then you can go for Ayurvedic for your satisfaction. dear chnchal,at any time Aurvedic medicine is far better then allopathy medicine because Aurvedic medicines does not have side effects and it cures from takes some longer time and most of the medicine are harmless.only thing u should take treatment from proper person.Aurved is our ancient medical treatment comming from our saints,rishimuni. I've no faith. They are all voodoo medicine advocated by charlatans.
Thereis nothing like allopathic medicines. Homoeopathic voodooists, who cannot explain the mechanism of their drugs, call modern medicine allopathy.
Modern medicine, the so called allopathy, takes any medicine into its fold if the mechanism of work can be proved. Had all these ayurved and homoeopathy been really right, they would be taken into allopathy fold.
but they are not. Charlatans sell them and gullible buy them. It gives them an impression that they are not remaining untreated to those who cannot afford allopathy. Hi there !
All systems of medicine have their own basic concepts or theories..
All these systems have their own "negatives" and "positives"...
Having used these different systems in some point of life, I could experience the following:
1.Ayurveda is mainly "symptomatic" while modern medicine is mainly "curative".
2.Ayurvedic approach is like using the medicine without "knowing what it contains"...but we know "the effect" "this effect" is brought about we are not sure...! Modern medicine deals with medicines , for which we know the dosage, quality , effect, side effect, R&D, etc etc..
3. For ayurveda, there is no uniformity of therapy, standardisation, quality control etc etc whereas for modern medicine , they are available.
4.In India, Drugs control department has a "strong say" on the modern medicne ,whereas Ayurveda, even after many years, is something like a "motherless child" as there is no "strict firm authority" controlling the system .

best wishes ! it is very effective and fast curring medicine if you know what Ayurveda is they are not voodoo medicines and vata , pitha, cougha are doshas they are elements of our body which means heat in your body, cold in your body , air in your body and earth element and in comman your earth element is your cough in body . it is science originated from ancient times on herbs and roots of plants it has a permanent cure in your body it eleminates the root cause of problem i have seen Ayurveda very closely so i can say that for knowing more you should visit

and do not listen to people who dont know what Ayurveda is
allopathic treatment has side effects and ayurveda is better any day Spare some time and visit the site:

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