Anyone know of any good supplements for anemia?!


Anyone know of any good supplements for anemia?

I'm almost out of neighbors.

*Wipes bloody arm remnant from lip*

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2 days ago
Thank you HarleyGirl, Woman... Phoenix, save me a council member, eh?

Awww VC! *Takes kids and redneck and gives VC a HUGE hug* Yay! *Tears off redneck's arm* Wanna bite, honey? Here's some white-chocolate macadamias to wash it down with!

PurpleLipz - LMHO!

8 Track - The B. of C.? Man, I'm slow tonight.

Answers: 2 days ago
Thank you HarleyGirl, Woman... Phoenix, save me a council member, eh?

Awww VC! *Takes kids and redneck and gives VC a HUGE hug* Yay! *Tears off redneck's arm* Wanna bite, honey? Here's some white-chocolate macadamias to wash it down with!

PurpleLipz - LMHO!

8 Track - The B. of C.? Man, I'm slow tonight. Depends...if you have any liver problems, any thing with additional iron in it is not good for you.....but it appears you already know the answer to your own question! lmao!

Red Meat....lots of it!

I have a 16yr old i will donate to your

)o( Blessings
Trinity Try cats. The Chinese seem healthy enough. ferrous sulfate tablets. Hey, I've got some neighbors I wouldn't mind trading in. I'll give you three loud college kids and a redneck for a couple of cookies and a hug! (((Thrice))) i just ran out tonight, but tomorrow im restocking; it's meeting time again for the city councils........mmmm... buffets..... i'm getting hungry already.... do try Spirulina the products of evergreen international coz spirulina is a rich source of Iron which makes it very helpful for those with iron-deficiency anemia. Spirulina is also the only plant source of VitaminB12 - important for the prevention and cure of pernicious anemia. Sure. Aneamia is prolly caused by an iron deficiency. I'm sure you could do with a bit of something special that will put the colour back in your cheeks ~ so why don't you pop on by my 360 and I will show you my etching you beautiful fluffy purple meat eater you!

Yeah.. you can wear the blue coat too! I have an old Honda Civic out in the back that you can eat to get your iron up if you like. I'll drop it off around midinght, listen for the tow truck. An added benefit, the seats will provide a LOT of fiber to help with your colon, too. LOL.

Raji the Green Witch I hear Oscar the Grouch is rich in iron...and he tastes like chicken. Try eating American children that have played with Chinese toys.

*Oh, wait that's lead not iron. Woops! I wouldn't want my cookie goddess to get lead poisoning from some tainted children.
*Have one of these, *hands you roofie laced cookie* bwa hahahahaha..... Always remember to eat the meat and spit out the bones!

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