What is good for burns?!


What is good for burns?

kitchen burns, etc.... something all natural

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1 day ago
omg... i tried the cocoa butter thing and it worked soooooo good. the pain is even gone . thank you ancientku... and thanks for answering my other questions

Answers: 1 day ago
omg... i tried the cocoa butter thing and it worked soooooo good. the pain is even gone . thank you ancientku... and thanks for answering my other questions cocoa butter or cut a potato in half and rub it on the burn.... it works for me every time.... but no doubt there is going to be some dumbass that gives this a low rating.... youll never know untill you try it. Rub honey on it. Aloe Vera plant. Snip off a aloe leaf and squeeze out the clear sticky substance. It feels great on burns and minimizes scaring due to the vitamin E good luck!!! toothpaste Aloe vera gel, or the natural jelly stuff from aloe vera flesh, you can get the gel from pharmacies. Vitamin E. Its good for your skin to minimize the scar. Its good to enhance the growth of new skins to replace the old one. Vanilla extract....pour it on right after being burned and it won't blister and will not hurt. honey is really good- DO NOT put cocoa butter or any butter or oil on it initially- it will hold the heat in and can make the burn worse. Lavender oil, however, is very healing and not only brings relief but healing to oyur skin after a burn. The first thing you should do after being burned in the kitchen is to run cool- cold water over the burn. Cocoa butter can be used later, after you are not feelingthe heat of the burn any longer - the cocoa butter will help keep you from scarring. i used to work in a kitchen and every time someone got a burn they would put tomato juice on it.. im not sure if that was for the pain or what chamomile, tea tree oil, calendula, aloe vera. echenecia tincture. few drops on it
also a product name--nature`s aid--it`s amazing
and --gardener`s dream cream-- another amazing one
and if you do not want scars, leave everything in the open, let it dry. than, when you clean it, bring the dry part down. slow process. but no scars whatsoever will appear that way. you can use potato on it,because potato have vitamin C which help to healing your burn wound. If you want a good burn then fire normally does it, or something very hot!. WHITE VINEGAR WORKS REALLY WELL my grandmother had to go to the burns unit cos she'd burn her shin to the bone and what they did for her what this:

if it's your finger or something easy, hold it under running cold water for @ least 5 minutes, longer if you're patient.
then if the burn isn't too raw and open, PILE salt - spoons of it. let it dry and cake, fall off and depending on the severity of the burn, repeat.

this will
a) draw the heat from the skin, instantly removing the pain,
b) rapidly form new skin

if the burn is TOO severe and the skin too broken, make a strong saline soak and hold the burnt item in there for as long as you are patient, this will repair the damage sufficiently as to be able to apply the above method, if repeated often.

works every time! i'm amazed as are all who've tried it. yeah i had a deep wound on my face from a gravy pop burn and I thought that I would have a deep quarter size scar on my face, but I couldn't take the pain from the burn it was so horrible, just umimaginable... man, just thinking about it makes me cringe... i remember screaming from the pain... I couldn't afford to go to the doctor! So I ran into the bathroom and looked under my sink and there was this really super thick cream almost like I had to scrape it out with a spoon... it was some kind of lotion... maybe a thick cocoa butter... anyways, I pressed it into the wound to stop alllll air from hitting it... and wow did it hurt putting that cream on, but I honest to gosh felt insane from the air hitting the wound, so that and asperine, ibuprofin, acetametaphin, aleve, nyquil....brought my pain down a notch...just a notch though i still felt like screaming! I just slept for two days was all I could do... I kept applying that cream, new over the old, over and over and over, in about 3 weeks, I was applying the cream and I guess the wound had scabbed over and I didn't realize it and the scab fell off and It almost looked as if I had never been burned! Amazing. ps, isn't the word "scab" like the worst word ever? Lavender essential oil.

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