What kind of foods are good to eat while healing up from a wrist injury?!


What kind of foods are good to eat while healing up from a wrist injury?

Answers: There aren't really any foods that are bad when you're healing from a wrist injury. If you mean which foods may help..... well, there aren't really any foods or natural products that could claim to increase healing speed.

You could try some joint health products that might help if you hurt the actual joint. The most popular ones I've found are Microlactin, Hyaluronic Acid, Tart Cherry Extract, Litozin (Danish Rose Hips), Glucosamin, Chondroitin, MSM, and Avovida (a combination of avocado and soy). Most of them are very economical and are very beneficial... our customers order them on a very regular basis. Most people get benefit from one or more of these ingredients within anywhere from a week to a couple months, depending on how long it takes for the supplement to get into their joints.

The only thing you'd have to worry about on any of these aside from allergic reactions is that the Microlactin is from milk and the Glucosamin is typically from Shellfish (those are the most common allergens). Source(s):
I'm a Product Specialist for a vitamin company most all foods. pineapple..eat lots of pineapple to help reduce any swelling..

this works for anything..dental work, chiropractic work..etc... Some supplements like vitamin E help healing. To support your bones, calcium, and magnesium. In correct amounts as directed. For any injury increase your vegetable intake or drink vegetable juices. I had a 66 year old patient that I told to drink as much carrot juice as she could handle after a fall. Within 2 days she noticed her wounds were healing faster than she ever healed before. Also decrease the amount of animal protein you consume as you are healing from the wrist injury. Your body will heal faster in an alkaline environment. The kind of foods that reduce mucus and inflammation in your body!!!
So, anything that could be remotely allergic or inflammatory in your system must be removed. 1. Wheat. 2. Dairy.
Stick with rice and corn for a while.
Other foods, you will need higher doses of protein. Usually best consumed every 3 hours in 3oz amounts.
High doses of Vitamin C a few times a day, best taken as crystals.
As many fresh greens as possible.
I would also add a really good protein powder with all the L-amino acids there. L-Proline is particularly recommended for healing tissues.
High doses of multivitamin - like find a nice powder and mix that everyam with your vit c and take it 3x daily.

Hope this helps. A nice strong chicken or beef broth would be very nourishing during healing..the natural gelatin would be beneficial for joint healing. I have had great luck with broths during healing from childbirth and such... also you can drink comfrey root or leaf tea..or just add it to the broth. Simple and healing

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