Does the dairy free, gluten free, sugar free diet work for kids with autism?!


Does the dairy free, gluten free, sugar free diet work for kids with autism?

Does anyone have any first hand experience with this? I'm looking into this a little more, but feel that I might have a little problem with this, my son's favorite foods are chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese. He's very sensitive to certain textures, like fruits and vegetables so this diet might be hard, just wanted to see if anyone has tried it and want to know if they've noticed any results.

Answers: There is no choice in the matter he will not like it for a short period of time but it does work. Look at Defeat Autism Now (D.A.N.) website. It does not have to be expensive but the diet is difficult to maintain from school to family members. If you are committed then it will work and you will see the results very soon. Expensive testing does not have to be a part of the treatment unless you want it to. The common variables are bread and milk which has an opiate effect on the brain. Its worth a try for several weeks and then re-introduce one old food at a time and you will see possibly a bizarre behavior. That will only confirm the food is causing sensitivity. I have first hand experience from a child in my life and have taken post graduate training. Please go in some direction with this you will see a difference. The most difficult thing to do is remove the old foods and get family members on board with you. Best wishes. Source(s):
D.A. N. I have the same problem. My son has mild autism. He like his foods a certain texture. i have to puree meat for his spaghetti and add baby food broccoli to it . He eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day almost. it is so hard to get a good diet into him as it is. I wonder how I could every get him to eat that diet and how expensive it would be. My son's school was very expensive. I read an article several years ago about an autistic child that was tested for allergy's and was put on a diet such as you are talking about and they said he had a complete turn around and started talking alot. they had a test run that cost some amount I can't remember exactly.It was in the $1500 range I think. If you have the power and energy to try it do so. I hope it helps. The gluten free/casein free diet does work in a lot of cases, but it takes 6 months before you can be sure whether it's working or not, because it takes a long time to get the toxins out of the system.

Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and some say oats. Casein is found in dairy products. So this diet involves excluding these items from the diet, which is a lot harder than you might think. Gluten is often found in things you would not expect, and is not that easy to spot until you get used to all the different names it goes under. Look out for unidentified starch or flour, and malt. Dairy products also hide under different names, like whey.

Soy is gluten free, but soy sauce is almost always made with wheat, so you can only use soy sauce which is labelled gluten free.

There's a lot online about this. Even on YouTube:

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