What is a natural way to help improve my memory?!


What is a natural way to help improve my memory?

Are there any vitamins or supplements that can help with memory loss? I read somewhere that fish can help, but I don't want to eat fish everyday lol

Answers: Absolutely! I've had a memory problem most of my life. I've found a few things that have helped my memory, as well as my mental cognition, not to mention all the customers that tell me how much they help their memory.

You can try Ginkgo Biloba, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Phosphatidylserine, Fish Oil, Vinpocetine, Huperzine A, Bacopa Monnieri (or Monniera), or Alpha-GPC. Those are the most popular products for memory and brain support that help a LOT of different people.

Aside from pills, you can always do mental exercises, too. Playing games (like the children's game "Memory") or using memory tricks (mnemonic devices, etc) can also help to work the pathways in your brain that are responsible for memory. Source(s):
I'm a Product Specialist for a vitamin company not sure about supplements but you can play word games or memorize things like poems. nothing keeps you younger than exercise eat primarily foods containing higher amounts of essential nutrients, detoxify the body, learn the natural mechanisms of memory building from professionals(I heard about a man who can memorize 10 playing cards in one minute, look him up) Amino fatty acids help. Also just reading helps. exercise the mind is the ONLY way to do that. Fish is good (fish like solomon), also that stuff from milk - pot cheese. Of course th best way is to train your memory - just study poems and stuff. That is the most effective. Just go to any pharmacy and there will be a wide selection of many over the counter vitamins. The phrmacist will recommend the best for you. Have Inuyasha101hit you in the head with baby powder. you may get benefit from using a natural herbal product such as Synaptol , see at
http://4all.getmyteamsite.com The simplest, most affordable and effective means to improve pert near everything, including memory; practice deep breathing. Oxygen is the number one best remedy. Breathe consciously and slowly with inetention. Do it for life. Yoga books describe the how to breathe naturally again. Fish oil capsules every day and ginkgo biloba help. Gingko biloba
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