What can make a mosquito bite less itchy?!


What can make a mosquito bite less itchy?

I have a mosquito bite on my wrist that I really know I shouldn't scratch, so i have a band aid over it, but is there anyway to make it stop itching? It's REALLY bad and I could barely fall asleep last night cause it itched so badly and I have the SAT tomorrow and I can't have it as a distraction.
How tips on making it feel less itchy? DIY at home type of thing?

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18 hours ago
Does ice work?

Answers: 18 hours ago
Does ice work? try to put vinegar on it or baby powder aloe vera Salty water...bathe it in a soloution of salt water regularly. lots and lots of stop itch or take a bath with pinetarsal (spelt something like that) and that stuff really works i have 37 bites on my legs. stingose or aloe vera. or if all else fails use your finger nail and softly dig it in to leave a cross over the top of it for some reason it helps. Don't know why. Fenistil calomine lotion calamine lotion- the pink stuff-has anti itch...or make a paste outta baking soda and water (use very lil water) and paint on affected bite, and good luck!!! cortisone Pain.

It is known that people can stand pain much better than they can stand an itch. Scratching or that trick with the nail cross do just that: Inflict pain to drown the itch.

There is however some home remedy that work on some people, Vinegar, menthol, aloe vera, half an union (not just on the wound but also sniffing it and eating) ammonia.

Also using a standard painkiller will relieve your itch.

Best of luck tomorrow. anticeptic numbing spray. Hi,
mosquito's do about the same as bees do.When they sting you,they put their poison
into you that's what makes it hurt,or itch.There are a few old fashion things that you can do.Most people have baking soda,and meat tenderizer in their homes.
grab either one,and make a paste out of it.
Than apply to the sting,or bite.The tenderizer breaks down the proteins in the insect venom.
You can also make a paste out of powered milk,and add pinch of salt to it,and apply it to where you are itchy.As The milk will neutralize the insect-bite venom.
I you want to know how to keep them off you ,try some apple vinegar,there are other things that you can use also. Aloe vera Gel or Tea tree Gel.... I've been using it! I always use clove oil(the stuff that's in anbolsol) that not only numbs it so that it stops itching, its also mildly anti microbial so it make the annoying little bugger go away faster. It's best if you haven't scratched it at all(for it to go away overnight) but it will still work for faster healing even if you have scratched it. I apply it to myself, my family, and recommend it to my clients as well. All have had fabulous results! Good Luck! Ichy feeling is a Hystamine release. The best way to reduce the ichy feeling is to stop or remove the hystamines. For skin, use heat. This trick applies to bites, but even more effective with poison ivy.

Put the skin area under hot running water. As hot as you can stand without burning your skin. The heat will cause the hystamine to release instantly (like one Big ichy feeling). Afterwards, you will have relief from the iching for about 5 hours. lavender oil will be very effective see more on aromatherapy and essential oils at:

Lavendar -- Used as a mild analgesic (painkiller). Can be used for headaches, bruises, wounds, insect bites and swelling. Can also be used for oily skin and acne, swelling, calming insomnia and mild depression.
http://www.peaceful-organic-planet.com/a... rub it with the inside of a banana peel it really works

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