I have an 8 year old son with ADHD/ODD. What supplements other than Omega 3 should he be on?!


I have an 8 year old son with ADHD/ODD. What supplements other than Omega 3 should he be on?

Currently my son is taking 5mg of Adderall daily for ADHD. He was on 10mg for a short time and the dose had to be lowered due to him becoming very aggressive. It was very hard for me to put him on meds in the first place but I could not deal with seeing him struggle every day in so many ways. His impulse control and anger management was really getting out of control. Behaviour modification is helpful but does nothing to help him control these things. Honestly, the Adderall is the only relief he has had from the symptoms and daily struggles. I am concerned about the aggression we experienced with the higher dose and the weight loss. I am putting him on a more natural diet, low in sugar and eliminating artificial flavor and color. I am starting him on Omega 3 as well. He takes a multi vitamin daily. I have heard that cal/mag and possibly zinc is beneficial too. Hoping these things will lead to no meds in the future. Any insight into supplements or anything else would be appreciated.

Answers: An online movie called "The Gift of ADD" is from an adult with ADD who is teaching teachers at main stream schools how to teach their ADD kids. I think you will appreciate and get some more behavioral answers from this movie as well as further information on results naturally. I congratulate you on your understanding of diet as a real problem, too.

Message me for the information.

As far as Omega 3's, what brand is it? I need to find out if its fish oil, borage oil and find out if its is standardized for efficacy. It is just "food" so its not going to harm your son, and is certainly what we all should be eating instead of Doritos with hydrogenated oils in them (man made oils) that mess with our brain and our overall health.

You just add Omega 3's with every meal. Its food, so the same rules apply of always having it in his system. You should taking them, too. see all information about other herbs on http://www.pharmacrew.com/addadhd.html?a... Try a web search for "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (OR "attention deficit disorder") + "natural remedies".

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