What is the best supplement to help improve the memory? why?!


What is the best supplement to help improve the memory? why?

Answers: Ginko Biloba is the herb of choice for memory. It works on the small blood vessels in the brain to allow for better oxygenation. It can also "thin" the blood, so do be carefull if you cut yourself & watch the cut closely for excessive bleeding. I usually recommend to take it in capsule form because it isn't the most pleasant tasting tea. When you purchase, make sure you are using the WHOLE HERB formulation and NOT standardized. The standardized capsule take out the "active ingrediant" from the plant & conscentrate it. They don't work as well, and have a high risk of unwanted side effects. Whole herbs seldom have side effects and work very well. As far as the suggestion for using Vervain, not sure where that person is getting their info, but Vervain is primarily used for pain control and as an adjuct for treatment of hot flashes and issues with the aged. It can cause drowsiness, and tastes positively awful! I ONLY use it in tincture or capsule form, I want my clients to take it, and in tea form, they won't, it's nasty!! Good Luck! Source(s):
I am an RN & Herbalist Powdered lecithin-1tblspn.
every morning on your cereal,
or actually on anything.
1 or 2 times/day.
B-Complex 100mg cap.
1X/day. B12 lozenges-1mg
2X/day. This is a good starter.
You MUST eat the proper
diet. You MUST take the
proper food supplements to
augment this diet. You MUST
maintain the proper weight.
You MUST stop stress.
You MUST get some exercise every day..even if
that's only walking around a
square block. forget supplements.. just use Ginkgo Biloba tea or Vervain tea. These are available in pill or capsule form for those that don't like to take it in tea form. The tea method is best cause that way it's more natural. Pills or supplements aren't a natural method! Memory loss often happens when you don't get enough Oxygen to the brain and the herbal teas address that problem. Once you start taking them best get in the habit of taking them I cup of Vervain tea or Ginkgo biloba tea every 2nd day is usually sufficient! Ginkgo biloba and fish oil are supposed to be good for your brain. Purely for memory, ginkgo biloba is supposed to be the best. I have been taking nutritional supplements from a different co. for about 6 months now, and what I am taking has really helped my mind improve. It has helped my over all health as well. The one thing that has helped me so much, they have a patient on, so you could not get it any place else. I found that not all vitamins and supplements are made equal, many of them never dissolve, and are full of fillers, so actually do not help our health at all. I will give you the site, and you can check it out for your self. I used Ginko when my memory was poor do to prednizone injections, it worked very well for me.

Today I would combine it with Omega 3 fats because the Omega 3 fats are so beneficial to the brain.

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