Anybody suffer from kidney stones?!

Question: I have a large stone in my left kidney. I'm looking for some advice. I'm in the UK. I have an appointment with the kidney doc friday the 19th. It's too big to zap to pieces or pass. I heard about a Brazilian herb called Quebra Pedra that supposedly breaks the stone up. It literally translates into English as "it breaks stone". Has anybody ever heard about it or used it? I ordered some but they haven't gotten here yet. Please help me with suggestions.

Answers: I have a large stone in my left kidney. I'm looking for some advice. I'm in the UK. I have an appointment with the kidney doc friday the 19th. It's too big to zap to pieces or pass. I heard about a Brazilian herb called Quebra Pedra that supposedly breaks the stone up. It literally translates into English as "it breaks stone". Has anybody ever heard about it or used it? I ordered some but they haven't gotten here yet. Please help me with suggestions.
I'm prone to the "gravel" kidney stones, and I pass them about every 4 months or so and I feel for you! I've never heard of a stone being too big to "zap" with the Lithotriptor... I hope that changes for you when you see the doctor on the 19th. Also, I've not heard of the herb you mentioned so I'm going to have to do some research on it. In the meantime, something you should be taking for your kidneys, (if you aren't allergic to it!), is Oregano, 2 capsules 4x a day. It's specific for the urinary tract to help with infection and pain. And it won't interfere with antibiotics if the doctor has you on them.

Ok... I've looked it up and what I've seen so far is these websites are selling the Quebra Pedra supplement product. Their claims of helping the liver, kidneys and gallbladder are a little fantastic, but interesting nevertheless. I'm a staunch believer in natural medicines ability to heal the body, but I'd take what this claims to do... i.e., "cure" kidney stones, with a grain of salt, if you pardon that expression. The only real concern I have is that this is a very large stone, which means that it's moving around in your kidney, possibly doing damage there. The question is, can you wait long enough to try this product to see if it works to "dissolve" the stone? With one that large, I don't know if that is feasible. I've included some of the sites I went to. It's important, no matter what you do, that you be an informed patient on all methods of treatment, traditional, and alternative. I hope this helps you. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
i had them its very sore but it will pass keep your head up.Drink plenty of cranberry juice,wear cotton underwear, & keep your self warm like make sure you lower back is well cover & warm good luck I know your pain
I suggest you wait patiently and take the herb when it arrives
A stone too big for ESWL? (extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy) Are you sure?
Sorry, but I never heard of this herb.
In 2005, my mother had kidney stones in her right kidney. One stone, 3mm in size, totally blocked her right ureter. Her right kidney was starting to get infected because the urine could not pass through. It was seen in her ultrasound result.
She took a herbal medicine locally named here in the Philippines as SAMBONG. Some pharmaceutical company already prepared this SAMBONG leaves into capsule form. We just bought it in the pharmacy. She also consulted her doctor regarding her illness. And she took Sambong with the doctors's prescribed medication and drank 3 liters of water everyday. After a month the stones were gone. Everything went out with the urine.

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