Did craniosacral therapy worked for you? Can you share your experience?!

Question: this is a question obviously geared towards individuals who experienced this new therapy. I am just curious as to what they think of it and what was their experience like. In advance, thank you.

Answers: this is a question obviously geared towards individuals who experienced this new therapy. I am just curious as to what they think of it and what was their experience like. In advance, thank you.
Yes, I had brain surgery and have had a messed up head ever since. Crainial sacra is based off of body work principles used in Chinese medicine, and as a result shares a common thread.
It's extremely depenedent on the skill of the practicioneer.
If you get a bad cranial sacra person, it is a waste of money and time, if you get a good person it's results are amazing. Unfortunately most people in the field aren't at that level, so if you wish to pursue it, you would do well to ask around for a better quality practiconeer. If you live in the bay area (marin county to be more exact) I can recommend you to someone though.
...I have severe fibromyalgia...(didn't used to be severe, but has become that way over the years)...and craniosacral therapy was recommended to me once...I tried it for about 1/2 hour and could not stand to be touched another minute...not because of a fear of touching, but because it was not easing the pain, but adding to it...others will swear by it for other kinds of afflictions, however
To those people wondering what "craniosacral" therapy is, here's an explanation:

*The human brain makes rhythmic movements at a rate of 10 to 14 cycles per minute, a periodicity unrelated to breathing or heart rate.
*Small cranial pulsations can be felt with the fingertips.
*Restriction of movement of the cranial sutures (where the skull bones meet) interfere with the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord) and cause disease.
*Diseases can be diagnosed by detecting aberrations in this rhythm.
*Pain (especially of the jaw joint) and many other ailments can be remedied by pressing on the skull bones.

It shouldn't be necessary to point out how stupid this idea is.
I have gone over a number of years. It has
been useful for relief after car accidents.
I have migraines and fibromyalgia. There are sometimes very strange and uncomfortable sensations during the session, but the relief, for me, comes after.

It is worth trying.

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