Is there anyone out there who can help me with a juicing question?!

Question: I want to go on a juice fast for my health sake. I do not plan to use a juicer but rather a blender. I am weak minded and have beat myself up so that my morale is all but gone. I am 100 pounds overweight and greatly need to detox. Is there anyone out there WHO IS JUICING? How do I motivate myself, for I am a meat lover?. The meat has caused my blood pressure to rise and the grease does not help. I would like to learn to eat lightly with juicing.

I know that EVERYONE has a diet remedy or opinion. I do not want your remedy or opinion. I need to juice and am not interesting in counting calories and the foolishness that goes with it. THERE ARE MANY JUICERS OUT THERE, AND I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU GUY. It will motivate me.

Answers: I want to go on a juice fast for my health sake. I do not plan to use a juicer but rather a blender. I am weak minded and have beat myself up so that my morale is all but gone. I am 100 pounds overweight and greatly need to detox. Is there anyone out there WHO IS JUICING? How do I motivate myself, for I am a meat lover?. The meat has caused my blood pressure to rise and the grease does not help. I would like to learn to eat lightly with juicing.

I know that EVERYONE has a diet remedy or opinion. I do not want your remedy or opinion. I need to juice and am not interesting in counting calories and the foolishness that goes with it. THERE ARE MANY JUICERS OUT THERE, AND I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU GUY. It will motivate me.
I want to help you. I juice 3 times a day.
First..don't use a blender. Get a juice extractor. Make a commitment and stick to it.
If you really are 100 pounds over weight, it's going to take a lot of juices to detoxify your poor liver.
Start slow, until you find your rythym. Besides, you may become ill at first because the juices will be stirring up the toxins to eliminate them. Don't let that get you down, it's normal, don't give up.
By 5 or 6 different fruits and veggies. Seasonal foods prefferrably. Make sure you was them. You don't need recipes. Just add one of tastes great.
Keep your juicer as well as your fruits and veggies on the counter....ready to go. If you put all that stuff'll end up quitting. Keep your eyes on the prize. You WILL lose weight and you WILL lose the craving for meat. All of that meat you have been eating is sitting in your gut fermenting. If you MUST have meat, only small portions 2x a week. Remember...this will work. Your body will thank you and people will notice how good you're looking. Your eyes will shine like mirrors, your skin will be soft and acne free and your body odour will decrease.
Good luck. I'd love to hear from you in six weeks.
dont know about your term for dieting, dude,but am pretty sure juicing and steroids are synonyms.
I love my juiceman juicer. I have had it about 5 years and it came with some pretty good recipes too. It is a bit pricey and if you need a smaller one they sell the juiceman jr. at Wal-Mart now. Given the right recipe, the juices are not bad at all. When people say diet these days they feel it is something of a dirty word, in reality, diet is whatever you consume. I am happy for you that you are on a better path to better health.
Hey there!
Juicer here...
I've been juicing for myself and my family for the last ummm 16 years! I personally don't think you should go on a juice fast, since obviously you are still very addicted to meat and other foods, which is very common for overweight people (I used to be 50 pounds overweight!). I think you should just drink juice like three time a day and that will encourage your body to crave healthier foods and you will also want to eat less.

Also, when you start removing something from your diet, or just generally, whether it be pasta, the occasional chocolate, smoking, alcohol or whatever...things you 'loved', that are very addictive...if you don't find something to replace it, to fill the gap left by that craving, it will remain niggling away at you. Now, when it comes to 'filling in this gap' it doesn't neccessarily have to be with food, it can also be through other lifestyle changes. For instance, a lot of people overindulge in junk, choose to abuse their bodies because of boredom, depression, stress which are all sypmtoms of NOT JUST INCOMPLETE NUTRITION BUT GENERALLY INCOMPLETE LIFESTYLES

I remember when I started giving up unhealthy food all that time ago, I found myself thinking about it all the time, what I was missing out on how did I overcome that...I filled my life to excess with other things...I socialised more, talked to my friends, went for long bike rides, ran, took walks in the countryside, indulged myself in my hobbies. All of these activities helped tremendously at replacing the voids left by that junk food that I realised was often being used as AN INSTANT FIX to boredom, stress etc. I came to realise that was also the source of the junk lifestyle's power over me... When I sat down, saw the problems in my life (the things about my lifestyle I used these quick fixes for) and started to treat the problems directly through lifestyle changes, things that were LONG TERM FIXES because they addressed and eliminated the root causes, my cravings for the junk dimminshed dramatically (and that's a total understatement!!).

Good luck!
Better yet, just buy all the fresh fruit you can and eat it. Eat fruit all day long....Then have one decent meal for dinner. I lost weight fast this way. My colesteral was up and it lowered it. I was slugish and then I was energetic. Just try it.
Hi Shaw

I liked what JL had to say above. Its not easy to just drop all your eating habits and start applying new methods. You have the right mentality on MAKING A CHANGE. This is the most important step in anything you'll do! Your sick and tired of your current health and plan to take ACTION! Good for you!

This plan I wrote below is for my stepmother and you can use some or all of it. It focus' on 3 main ideas. Colon cleansing, Juicing, and drinking distilled water ( I drink a gallon a day). Again as I state below, go at your own pace and start juicing for a meal or two a day. You'll see you dont need much food after following this plan.

Also, I want you to start thinking and being positive. No matter how you look, people will warm up to you if you give good energy. People can sense negativity from a far distance, so focus on what you want in life (not what you dont have). Be grateful for EVERYTHING you have and you'll have more of it! This law is called the "Law of Attraction". THe most powerful energy in the universe.

Here are the steps to get you back to a healthy body and mind.

1) Drink a gallon of distilled water (buy at the store) a day (do not use tap water, even in Canada unless you have a very good filtration system). Drink it at room temperture because it's easier to consume faster when it's not chilled. I usually drink at least 30-40 ounces in less then 2-5 minutes. Lets get it down and not sip it all day, is my motto. Try to avoid caffenine and sugar or at least cut back on it. I want the next product mentioned (Superfood at to take it's place. Nutrition is the key to any type of healing, so be sure to use this product daily.

2) Take 2 tablespoons of Superfood in the morning with 16oz of Organic orange, apple, or cranberry juice (must be organic) or use water like I do daily. Important to start the day off with nutrition! Later on in the afternoon or whenever your feeling tired (and dont want to be) take 1-2 more tablespoons with the juices/water mentioned.

3) Start a colon cleansing program. The best one I continue to do, is on Clearing out excess waste will help you lose weight fast and help resolve your pain issues. This is the most important step in all that Im stating here.

4) When you're ready (1-2 weeks) to start colon formula #2, its best to go on a juice cleanse (this is what I did last week for 30 days) or just eat Organic raw fruits and vegetables. You obviously need a juicer if you decide to juice and the best one for the money is Jack LaLane's juicer and can be found easily in health or big department stores around $150.

Here is what I do/did.
a) Mix 30 ounces of organic juice in the morning (I use carrots, apples, celery, and an inch of ginger root to spice it up some) with 30 oz of distilled water and that is your breakfast. Drink it fast and 60 oz will seem like a normal 12 oz drink before you know it. Be sure to use more vegetables then fruits. I like to use 7-8 good carrots, five celerys, and 1 good size apple. You can always add more or less of either to make your taste buds more appealing.

b) Make another 30 oz for the afternoon drink right after you drink your 60 oz of fluid (or drink as you prepare the lunch drink). I like to make carrot, apple, and ginger for my afternoon drink because of the different flavor and better taste. Place it in a container in the frig where you work at for your lunch (also mix with 30 oz distilled water).

Drink water all in between your major drinks and you'll be going to the bathroom once every hour, but no one will mind (except yourself). This process helps flush out the toxins in the body and gives it time to work on internal issues, instead of digesting food (especially meat and dairy products) that isnt very healthy.

c) Make another 30 ounces around 5-6 pm and again 30 oz of water. Do you see how people can survive very easily with this process? Because we are getting more nutition than we ever have in all our whole lifes.

5) Do this for at least 5-10 days and you'll be AMAZED how much better you'll feel. I know this sounds like a lot of work (it is), but it's worth it! I promise you if you take some time for your health, you will never go back to living in pain, lose weight, and feel great about yourself. It is that powerful! The confidence and strength to do this cleanse often (4-5 times a year) will enpower you like no other!

One quick story about my Uncle Ben who was 56 at the time of this occurance a few years back as he was diagnosed with Lymphoma (type of cancer). Luckily before he found out that he had this disease, I had him juicing and learning about herbs to take care of his current issues (heartburn, ulcer, aches and pains) with much success. After he found out he had this disease he immediately went on a juice fast and went for 70 straight days! He took a lot of herbs and did some other natural remedies. 3 months later went back to the doctor and got a clean bill of health! He also commented several times that he has never felt more healthier than ever before in his life.

Benjamin Franklin "The best of all medicines are rest and fasting"

Keep educating yourself and you'll be rewarded.

Best of health to you

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