I suffer from chronic sinus problems. Has anyone found a cure?!

Question: i all but cured my annual hayfever and sinus trouble with 'zone therapy'.(similar to reflexolgy only more intense and thorough in it's healing)...my 'witch doctor' (lol!) works trigger points on my feet for my sinus, eustacian tubes, and tight neck muscles (tight neck means fluids cannot properly drain away)..it's a painful treatment (to your feet) but the relief it brings to all of your bodys needs is wonderful!

it took about 3 treatments but i've never known i could get soooo much air in my head!

Answers: i all but cured my annual hayfever and sinus trouble with 'zone therapy'.(similar to reflexolgy only more intense and thorough in it's healing)...my 'witch doctor' (lol!) works trigger points on my feet for my sinus, eustacian tubes, and tight neck muscles (tight neck means fluids cannot properly drain away)..it's a painful treatment (to your feet) but the relief it brings to all of your bodys needs is wonderful!

it took about 3 treatments but i've never known i could get soooo much air in my head!
Hi, tried to find zone therapy but no one in the uk knows about it. Is it the same as Reflex Zone Therapy Report It

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  • LolaC?'s Avatar by LolaC?
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  • not a cure, but a friend of mine swears by a Netti pot. She says it's helped her sinus problems greatly.
    Have you been checked for nasal polyps ? They can be surgically removed.
    I use steam inhalation and acupressure to relieve mine.
    There's 2 spots on each side of your face (that I know of) that you can press to relieve sinus pressure.
    Basically it is caused by the weak of Lung.
    To improve the energy of the lung, the problem
    will be disappeared.

    Herbal prescription shall be reqired.
    Neti pot is definitely the answer but please do not try on your
    own, learn from a yoga therapist - alternatively if your want to
    get just the full details on the procedure and care to drain the
    water which may get lodged in sinus area, please press on
    my avatar and go to my profile and there press on best
    answers and the first best answer is on neti pot, do read
    about it. Besides to prevent sinus problem do refrain from
    consuming milk and its products as well as peanuts which
    tend to increase mucous formation. Good luck and God
    Bless. Cheers! :o)
    Definitely the best option for treating chronic sinus problems is looking at someone's diet-

    1.A chronic sinusitis may be related to Food allergies or sensitivities, especially to milk.
    Try to eliminate dairy products form your diet for a period of 3 week and see what happens.

    2.A diet high in mucous forming foods has been related to chronic sinusitis:
    Dariy products are the worst culprit, but refined flours, chocolate, eggs, and fried and processed foods cause high levels of mucus as well.

    3. Sugar and fruit juices should be reduced or eliminated because they feed yeast, which is often present in people who have chronic sinusitis.

    4. Examine your reaction to dairy and wheat very closely; these foods often cause coldlike symtoms.

    5. Salt and alcohol both have dehydrating effect on the sinuses and result in further inflammation. Avoid alcohol and severly restrict salt intake.

    Treatmnet for chronic sinus problems

    1.N-acetylcysteine: 500 mg, 3/day. This nutrient thins mucus secretions so that the sinuses can drain more effectively.

    2.Oregano oil: 500 mg, or 0.5 ml, 4/day. It has potent antibacterial and antifungal properties.

    3. Bromelain: 500 mg, 3/day between meals. It has a natural anti-inflammatory effect.

    4. Bioflavonoids( mixed formula ):
    500 mg, 3/day. Helpful for allergies related causes.
    Ditto the neti pot, if you're not up for changing your diet...

    But if you are... :) Cut out all dairy. I had sinus issues all the time and once I cut the dairy out...I have NO SINUS ISSUES ANYMORE! I drink rice milk and eat soy ice cream so I still feel like I am eating that stuff...but there is no more mucus, nasty congestion or clearing my throat all the time! It's all about making smarter choices.

    GOOD LUCK!! :)
    Forget about antibiotics and nasal sprays. Nasal sprays can actually damage your sinuses and like antibiotics they only give you short term relief without overcoming the problem of overactive mucus glands.

    Garlic helps, so if you take 3 to 6 high strength odourless 3,000 mg garlic oil capsules a day, that certainly helps.

    Switching from mucus generating dairy products and red meat to soy milk and white meat also helps. Fish is better than chicken.
    North American Herb and Spice company makes an oil of oregano nasal spray that works well.

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