Can I get your opinions on Fluoride?!

Question: Do you use it or do you use Fluoride free products.

Answers: Do you use it or do you use Fluoride free products.

Fluoride is one of the most toxic chemicals that exists (ie. naturally it's the most chemically toxic).

When I read about the biological effects the stuff has, I still get amazed at some of the things it's capable of doing (if you care I can link you to various stuff about it).

Anyways, long story short, Fluoride is a by product from a lot of modern industrial processes (including making nukes), and various PR industries got together to give the impression Fluoride was good for you, eventually deciding to put it in water (since legally the defense could be given that "how could these workers sickness have come from fluorine if it's ok to have in the water").

The net result of this has messed up the health of a lot of people in the country, and once other countries saw the data tables of fluorinated vs. non fluorinated areas, (increase of cancer, chronic disease, and suprisingly tooth decay the thing it "prevents"), they all banned it, and the US is one of the only places that still uses it.

I use Fluoride free products as much as I can, but unfortunately it's in everything and hard to get rid of.

I advocate avoidance. I do not use it, and I ensure none is added to our community system through education.
Especially avoid toothpaste with that substance.

fluoride is poison!"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century."
- Robert Carlton, Ph.D, former EPA scientist, 1992

As much as possible I avoid ingesting fluoride containing products ie: toothpaste, fluoridated water (I use a water filter).

The link between IBS symptoms and fluoride is undeniable ie: gastro complaints, nausea, abdominal, pain, flatulence, constipation and intermittent diahorrea are all early warning signs of fluorrosis.

7 Countries have reversed fluoridization as a result of extensive studies.

Ingested fluoride is transformed in the stomach to hydrofluoric acid, which has a corrosive effect on the epithelial ling of the gastrointestinal tract. Thirst, headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting and diahhorrea are usual symptoms. Haemmorrhage in the gastric mucosa, ulceration erosions and edema are common signs.

It is a known digestive disturbant - avoid soaking in long hot baths in fluoridated water, brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste, cooking with teflon - all contain fluoride and not the natural form either !! Probably your best natural source would be from seafood.


As most of us know, Flouride is toxic to our bodies...a toxin that is added to our water sources and toothpastes.
The claim to fame for Flouride is that it protects us or prevents us from tooth decay.
If something as toxic as flouride prevents tooth decay but makes humans very sick...which would you prefer...
1) being toothless
2) being dead
Actually, if you brush your teeth with baking soda and brush directly after each meal, consume calcium for healthy bones and we really need flouride?
More health issues stem from flouride and the government is aware of these.
If we can prevent cavities without flouride, why don't we eliminate flouride all together?

Fluoride is a mineral originally found in the earth. Fluoride toothpaste is good for the teeth for it strengthens them.

The Crest toothpaste label has warnings about swallowing. I use it but rinse my mouth well. We buy and drink reverse osmosis water to avoid fluoride added by our city.

Fluoride is toxic and does absolutely nothing for your teeth. In Hitler's time it was used as a poison.

When my son was born doctors believed that babies should be given fluoride. Me, being a caring mom tried to give my son floride but immediately found he to be acting like he had colic.

I spoke to the doctor, no help. Took him off the fluoride and the colic was gone. Tried to give it to him again and the colic returned so I took him off and told the doctor of my experience and that I would not be giving fluoride to this or any child again.

It is a poison and that experience showed me exactly how toxic it is.

Oh, and today babies aren't given fluoride.

More countries need it in the water... Of course I use it in toothpaste

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