Does colon cleansing really help?!

Question: Heard a lot about it lately; but is it really good for you?

Answers: Heard a lot about it lately; but is it really good for you?

As the first poster mentioned, it is good for some people and not so useful for others. If you want to try it, you can get a sample for just a dollar from Colopure:

Their product was awarded 'best new detox product' by american readers magazine.

If someone doesn't have much fiber in their diet, then yes, most people would benefit from cleaning out the junk in their colon that an improper diet may leave behind.

That being said, there are a lot of people that just don't need colon cleanses, even though so many infomercials and ads are saying that everyone needs one. An easy way to find out is if you eat a larger amount of fiber (like the 25 grams of the RDA for dietary fiber) and get loose stools, cramping, and/or diarrhea, then you likely need a colon cleanse because you don't have enough fiber in your diet.

(edit): In regards to Kalos O, Colonic irrigation is not the same thing as Colon cleansing. Colonic irrigations are only needed in severe cases and should only be done by a qualified professional (as you can do damage with C.I. if you don't know what you're doing).
I've read some "anti-Colon cleansing" articles that are typically in response to the articles (or infomercials) about colon cleansing. Most of them just point out that not everyone needs them, but they toss in an extra spin that some people may take as meaning nobody can/should clean their colon.

You don't accumulate "junk in your colon", despite what anyone may tell you. That is simply a myth.
Colon "cleansing" has never shown to offer any benefit. It is simply junk science and pure quackery.

It definitely helps. The problem is if everyone does that
then what will happen to the drug industry so they are
spreading the rumours and keeping many of them on
their payroll to make propaganda against alternative
theraphy etc. Just ignore them. Try it once and
experience the phenomena. As they say proof of the
pudding is in eating not talking or discussing about it.
Good luck and cheers! :o)

The State of California Health Department's Branch of Infectious Diseases said the following:

""The practice of colonic irrigation by chiropractors, physical therapists, or physicians should cease. Colonic irrigation can do no good, only harm."

Incidentally, there have been reports of colonic irrigation resulting in fecal matter gushing out of the mouth.


You may want to read this article:
Benefits of Colon Cleansing ->

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