Do you know some alternative medicine to help an alcoholic?!

Question: i am having blackouts and vomited on my boss's carpet. would blueberry extract be good for blackouts. the catalog somebody sent me says it is good for circulation. my brain must not be getting enough blood, i guess.

Answers: i am having blackouts and vomited on my boss's carpet. would blueberry extract be good for blackouts. the catalog somebody sent me says it is good for circulation. my brain must not be getting enough blood, i guess.

You need serious help-not natural remedies.
See your doctor first-you can't do this on our own.

more beer

Whatever the Grandma used a couple weeks ago on one of the episodes of Private Practice - seriously.

google addictions - natural remedies.

if you drink a lot - it is best to go thru treatment - you can die of DT's if you are a big drinker.

one of the best natural treatments is the support of others - AA.

Why don't you get help for your problem once & for all...Putting bandaids on this is NOT going to help at all. You need to get to the root of your problem & it should honestly be done professionally. Health ins. DOES cover detox & recovery programs. Do what I did yrs. ago, & get rid of it for good. Get serious about it, you DO have a killer DISEASE & it's nothing to play around with. Call the 800 # for AA & they w/be more than happy to give you all the advice you could want/need. Aren't you sick & tired of being sick & tired! I know I was & w/NEVER regred what I did to finally get rid of that problem in my life. I truly urge you to call that 800#, do it for YOU, do it for the ones who love & care about you. You are "skirting" around w/a very dangerous disease. Treat it as such. I GUARENTEE you w/NOT regret doing it. Just take that first step & call that number PLEASE...I CARE!!! I was there...

You are allergic to processing alcohol
better stick to beer or big troubles are on the way
i know

If you drink until you black out all the time then you should probably seek help. A lot of alcoholics don't care to get help thinking that they can help themselves but they end up doing more damage. Did you know that signs of alcoholism are not necessarily an increase in tolerance either, many abusers will experience a decrease in tolerance, meaning that it can take less for you to get drunk then it used to. All the signs you said are typical and you should consider yourself a serious alcoholic and I am not saying this to be lame but you should seek help. Try drinking a little less maybe have a friend cut you off earlier and see if that helps, if it doesn't then try not drinking at all. Of course you could have also done some serious damage to your brain and now you may need medical help as well, take care of yourself and remember what I said and also that you can quit because I used to be a counselor to addicts and I saw a lot of success stories.

Hi, I recommend reading the book "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol".

The plus point is, for the system to work, you don't have to give anything up while you're reading the book. Seriously - I highly recommend it.

Try grapefruit juice and backing down slowly. Remember many state have free help right around the corner.

Drinking with or around your boss isn't ever good your going to self distruct and your boss is watching because when your down he/she will also take your job away and blame any troubles on you. Every boss loves to have someone like you around because when money is missing or something gets broken we ALL KNOW it was the drunk.

Sugar, chocolate, orange juice--and abstinence.

generation gaps r always taking place between the teenagers and their parents ,for kids at that age keep trying to challenge their parents' authority in ways . the teenagers steped into areas they should never be ,such as violence , drugs , pornography and so on .And now things get worse cause the addiction to the online games have been becoming a new threaten to the life of our kids . I mean the games they attempt to keep our kids playing online day and night while they were supposed to be at school or some places else,witch probably drive them exausted and sick,meanwhile waste tons of time as well as their money, ruined their live.This great fear has expanded among people and got to attrack the whole world's attention at last .forturnately ,it's not too late to do something .But in which way ,simply force our kids to stop playing or any other better ideas ? I've heared there're someone called farmers who were said to be professionals in the games , they can farm lots of gold as well as items , then sell to the one who needs,and they can also help others to lvl up their charactors. so why don't we turn to them instead of wasting too much time in the game ourselves. if then , we can both play the parts we r interested and save time to do other things.yes , that's the way . No matter what Blizzard said , I will find a good gamesite to do me a favour , probably a great favour.And me myself will choose as a try . coz it's cheap and have already got sound reputation , it deserves a try . I'd like to be the first one to try the crabs.Lol^^

There are a few alternative medicine methods I am familiar with.
However, I side with the people who have thusfar commented, odds are you have a psychological issue you need to get addressed.
The cure methods I'm familiar with, primarily are reserved for people who have severe addiciton problems, have been life long alcoholics etc etc. So my main reccomendation would be to see a therapist or talk to a friend, or just ask yourself....why do I drink? and then hopefully get the willpower to quit. If you cannot, and an actual addiction is controlling you I know of three approaches.
#1 Go see a hypnotherapist. If the hypnotist is good, they can get rid of just about any alcohol related problem. Unfortunately...people like that are hard to come by, and I'm fortunate to know one through family.
#2 (please just trust me on this one), Try LSD psychotherapy. Before the stuff got made super illegal, this was actually practiced and out the therapy/cure methods for fixing alcoholism practiced this one by far had the highest success rates. Nowadays you either have to go out of the US, or locate one of the very rare people still practicing it.
#3 (personal favorite), Start drinking small ammounts of hydrogen peroxide. Once you blood content of peroxide increases, beyond various health related benefits, it becomes impossible to get drunk, and as a result alcoholics stop drinking. Furthermore, it actually fixes/reverts the root cause of the alcohol dependancy. A couple times I've actually "spiked" my friends drinks with peroxide because everyone including them agreed they had an alcohol problem and needed to quit (in this case the alcohol is neutralized).

So yea, that's about all I can say. Most people drink because they are unhappy and feel life is pointless, and they don't want to have to be present to it. After a while the strong alcohol addiction sets in, and more creative methods are required to break it. Hopefully you are at the first half of this puzzle and don't have to do anything crazy to help yourself. You've made the first step, admitting you have a problem, and that's a pretty good place to be. Most self destructive alcoholics I know havent been able to do that :|

I can provide you with a book detailing the peroxide alcohol thing, and there was a doccumuntary I saw from england that explained a lot of the problems with chronic overdrinking. If you care about either of those get back to me!
Hope this helps : )


just drink non alcohol beer

Consult a hypnotherapist who may be able to help you give up the drinking habit, and support you afterwards.

good luck x

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