What is the best home remedy for uti or bladder infection ?? Cranberry Juice of Pineapple Juice?!

Question: Cranberry Juice. It makes your urine acidic therefore it increases the acidity of your urinary bladder, thus killing the bacteria there.

Answers: Cranberry Juice. It makes your urine acidic therefore it increases the acidity of your urinary bladder, thus killing the bacteria there.

cranberry and if you get UTIs or bladder infections alot they also make cranberry pills

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry Juice. Drink lots and lots of it.

I also highly recommend seeing a doctor and getting antibiotics before it gets too bad

Cranberry Juice, but you need to drink A LOT of it. But it works better as a preventative measure. If you have an infection you need to go to the Dr for medication. It can get worse and move into your kidney's.

I use both apple cider vinegar water and cranberry juice, alternating so I don't get tired of either.

Cranberry Juice!!!!

Thats why Ocean Spray also sells cranberry pills to promote healthy urinary tract

Cranberry is right. However some people like me actually get bladder infections from cranberry juice. There is a name for that. I can't remember it. You need to go to a doctor for antibiotics. You can become extremely ill if you don't. Also plenty of water is good to include.

use cranberry pills, and lots and lots of water, and green tea.
Cranberry juice tends to have lots of sugar in it, it is undrinkable without it, which is bad, and I would imagine that pineapple would be worse, also all the acid can give you hart burn and strip your tooth enamel if you are drinking a lot.
so cranberry capsules are the way to go.

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