What specific foods have the following in them: potassium? magnesium? calcium? (Other than powerade).?!

Question: An extensive list would do me good!
Also, where's there an age-or-weight/dosage chart for specific vitamin supplements?

Answers: An extensive list would do me good!
Also, where's there an age-or-weight/dosage chart for specific vitamin supplements?

Foods that have potassium are: potato, tomato, celery, carrots, broccoli, avocado, bananas, oranges and orange juice, raisins, watermelon, canteloupe, prunes, fish, hamburger, pork, lamb, chicken, and bran cereal.

Foods high in magnesium, in order, are: brazil nuts, ready to eat bran cereal, cooked halibut, canned spinach, almonds, fresh cooked spinach, cashews, white beans, pollock, walleye, black beans, oat bran, green cooked soybeans, yellowfin tuna, artichoke hearts, peanuts, lima beans, navy beans, and okra.

Foods highest in calcium are: milk, dairy products, eggs, and fish. Other good sources include peas, beans, soybeans, potatoes, and lentils.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium.


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