Homeopathic treatment for Parkinson's disease?!

Question: is there any homeopathic medicine for trembling,stiffness and dizziness.(symptoms of parkinsons disease)i m facing all these.

Answers: is there any homeopathic medicine for trembling,stiffness and dizziness.(symptoms of parkinsons disease)i m facing all these.

Homeopathic medicine has been shown to be ineffective over and over. The higher quality the study, the more likely the results will show that it is nothing more than a placebo effect.

The science behind it has been shown to be false conclusively since the discovery of atoms in science.

The Homeopathic community has since adopted common techniques used in fields of pseudoscience: misapplication of real science, rejection of scientific standards, claims of suppression, large gaps between the conclusion and evidence, and focusing on the fringes while ignore settled issues in science.

Look elsewhere for help on this issue. Homeopathy won't help you beyond the forer effect, the placebo effect, and the return to medium bias. Good luck.

homeopathy has been proven in clinical trials to be completely ineffective in treating anything at all. It may have some placebo effect, but that won't help your Parkinsons Disease. You have too little dopamine in your brain which is what causes the symptoms. Only conventional medicine will help this.

The longer you put off taking it, the worse your symptoms will get. It's better if you can catch it early and optimise what dopamine you have by taking medication.

Homeopathic "remedies" (they are NOT "medicine") consist of nothing but water. As the others have stated, they have consistently been shown to be completely ineffective.
Don't waste your time and money on this quackery.

A Yahoo web search for "parkinson's disease" + "natural remedies" will yield at least 5,748 results.

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