Is it possible that fatigue can indicate a deficiency?!

Question: I know low iron levels can cause fatigue , but are there other vitamin or mineral deficiencies that can contribute to tiredness, fatigue?

Thank you for your answers! =)

Answers: I know low iron levels can cause fatigue , but are there other vitamin or mineral deficiencies that can contribute to tiredness, fatigue?

Thank you for your answers! =)

Yes having low potassium can also trigger fatigue.

I use to have dizzy spells and would feel like i couldnt breath so my doctor thought my sugar or blood pressure was low so they did some labs on me and it turned out i was having Low Potassium Levels.

They just told me to eat foods with alot of potassium.

I've been eating 1 banana everyday since that happened and i havent been having those feelings anymore.

Yup! Viamin B complex deficiency can cause fatigue. Low iodine (fixed by kelp supplements) can also bring it on.

Fatigue is a sign that something is not right in anyone's body. It is more than being tired.
I would have a full check-up at your Doctors.
For me, fatigue was the first symptom of Multiple Sclerosis.
I hope you do not have that!
All the best!!!

Fatigue can also be a sign of diabetes. You need to see a doctor if you're that concerned.

Probably a good portion of fatigue, is a lack of good vitamins and minerals. I have fibromyalgia, one of the main symptoms is, fatigue. I have helped my self a lot this last year. I started on a great vitamin and mineral supplement, and also started using natural home and personal care products. I found that the chemicals in these products, bring your immune system down, and one of the first signs is fatigue.

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