What's the best way to treat chronic intestinal Candidiasis?!

Question: I have had chronic Candidiasis for years after taking many, many courses of antibiotics. I have been treating it with Pao D'arco and probiotics, but lately the Pao D'arco doesn't seem to be working. I've tried garlic, caprylic acid and psyllium, and a few herbal blends, none worked very well. What would be the most effective natural treatment for Candida? Any kind of treatment suggestions would be nice.

Answers: I have had chronic Candidiasis for years after taking many, many courses of antibiotics. I have been treating it with Pao D'arco and probiotics, but lately the Pao D'arco doesn't seem to be working. I've tried garlic, caprylic acid and psyllium, and a few herbal blends, none worked very well. What would be the most effective natural treatment for Candida? Any kind of treatment suggestions would be nice.

Actually, the best thing you can do is change your diet. No sugar, no simple carbs. Period. Sugar means corn syrup, honey and/or maple syrup, fructose and other sweeteners too.

Simple carbs should be eliminated if they are white-white rice, white bread, white pasta, white flours, etc. Even bananas should be avoided. You can still eat high fiber fruits and grains but be sure they are unprocessed as much as possible. Those are what feeds the yeast. If it has no food it dies.

I have also had success using small amounts of herbs with berberine compounds (i.e. golden seal or Oregon grape root) Too much of those act just as antibiotics to though, so you should really ask an naturopath to monitor you if you wish to try that route.

Acidophiles is another supplement that may be helpful. The best way to get it is by ingesting it in live culture form-often people will eat yogurt.

Are you sure you have Candidiasis? What is diagnosed by a physician who knows what he's doing? Why the (antibacterial ? ) antibiotics? Altmed pretend-doctors often mis-diagnose Candidiasis using non-standard diagnostic criteria.

Apparently only 33 percent of women who self treat for a yeast infection actually have a yeast infection. Actually, the rest have either bacterial vaginosis or a mixed-type infection.

I read this book (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...
I think theres a newer version out.

One of the main things the book focused (in terms of unusual diseases needing cures) was candidiasis (due to the fact it's a pain in the *** to get rid of even with the alternative health stuff), and the author detailed a few physicians who finally figured out that oxygenating it would do the trick, and it explains the exact procedures they used (there was a bit more to it than just using peroxide).
I would really reccomend taking a look at the book, it should give you the best answer to your question, and strangely enough your q is the first time I've heard the condition being brought up in ages (even though the book made it out to be a big problem). I was kinda worried learning about how to cure it was going to just be pointless heh.

Hope that helps!
Tell me if it does, I'd love to hear back from you :)

Candidiasis is a silly diagnosis..Are you sure you're not suffering from hypochondriasis?? All those candida potions are a scam and you're flushing your money down the toilet..People who have true problems with candida are on their deathbed with AIDS or Cancer....Sounds like a psychological problem..

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