Does anyone know some simple home remedies for and ear infection?!

Question: I have tried the warm olive oil and it does not seem to be helping. I have also been advised to use peroxide. I am allergic to hydrogen peroxide and I am at wits end with the pain. I do not have health insurance or I would have been to a doctor by now. Does anyone know of some things you may find around the house that can ease the pressure, pain or both?

Answers: I have tried the warm olive oil and it does not seem to be helping. I have also been advised to use peroxide. I am allergic to hydrogen peroxide and I am at wits end with the pain. I do not have health insurance or I would have been to a doctor by now. Does anyone know of some things you may find around the house that can ease the pressure, pain or both?

Drip rubbing alcohol into the canal (yes it's safe. Rubbing alcohol, baby oil and iodine are the active ingredients in swimmers ear medication). Tug on your ear a little and then let it drain out. Get a ziplock baggie and put warm water in it. Zip it up (make sure it's sealed) and hold that on your ear.

Take a decongestant to clear the inner congestion and take some Tylenol. If this doesn't really may need to see a doctor eventually. There ARE clinics that allow you to pay according to your income if it gets that bad.

Good luck!

warm up some honey until it is very runny and try this.


ibuprophen helps inflamation & pain.
a decongestant maybe if it's fluid.
over the counter ear antalgic drops.

You do not know the cause of your ear infection. Left untreated by a professional, your infection could cause permanent hearing damage.

There must be some free clinics in your area, surely.

you really need antibiotics fast. and vikedin (pain meds) go to the doctor an ear infection can actually kill you if untreated.,

Try using a hair dryer on warm. Use it around your ear, and occasionally on your ear. That should relieve some pressure for you.

Decongestants. Anti inflammatorys,
Tylenol Sinus Cold, Advil/Tylenol/Asprin (one of each, do NOT overdose on any of them!) Hot and cold compresses.

once upon a time, there were no antibiotics handed out to everyone on every pain.

Tequila eases the pain.

All I know is my brother let his little girl's go for too long and her eardrum burst so play all you want with home remedies and old wives' tales, but realize how serious an infection not TREATED CORRECTLY can be and go see a doctor who will give you the RIGHT medicine.

I have heard that if you spin three times around completely under a full moon and make a triangle of rocks it will help an ear infection.

for real.

Garlic oil. You will probably need to get it in soft gel form. If you can, break the gel open and carefully heat it. Be careful not to heat it too much. Use an eye dropper to drop it into the ear, then put a piece of cotton ball in to keep the oil from dripping out. If you can't heat it, just squeeze it from the gel. I tried this on my boyfriend many years ago and it worked.

go to an organic food store or health food store and find GARLIC EXTRACT put a couple drops in the ear and let it drain down into your ear then put a cotton swab in your ear and sleep on the other side for a couple of hours.

yeah 'GO TO THE DOCTOR "seriously.

Clove Oil It will sooth the pain or there are homeopathic medicines that you can buy at Wal Mart for ear problems.

I suggest you go to the pharmacy and by polysporin ear drops or something similar like a combo of ear/eye drops. It works great and it's cheap. But if the pain persists after 2-3 days go see a doc asap.

I feel for you because I had an eardrum burst bec of same sort of problem in 2003 or 2004. The only other stop-gap measure I can suggest is the highest powered Anti-bacterial Listerine or gargling with warm salt water frequently and taking Vitamin C. If you already have a fever, the infection may be too far along. If not, this will help keep the infection in check so your natural defenses can fight it. I hope you are a non-smoker. If not, you may want to just book an appt with an ENT specialist ASAP. It will probably cost you less than the ER.
There are a couple sites that may help below. I hope you feel better soon!

I really don't know what to tell you, but when I read about "pressure," I remembered a terrible cold I had years back when I felt just the way you describe and ended up with my eardrums broken. Try sipping warm water and baking soda. Use about a teaspoon of baking soda and mix it in well. I know baking soda alkalizes the body quickly and infections cannot live in an alkalized body. You could continue sipping a cupful every hour until you feel better. Also, start popping some Vitamin C and take a decongestent.

I am so sorry you are with this pain. My daugther (3 yrs old ) has a double ear infection. I asked the same question and here are some new ones to me, but very old & reliable.
Sweet oil. I don't don't where to get it, but it works. My friend did have some. Did you warm the olive oil to a warm temp ?
Then put cotton in your ear. Also a really strange, but true remedy is to have someone blow cigarette smoke into the infected ear and put in cotton for no more than 20 minutes.
Strange but true. I did not do that to my daughter. Lots of Motrin and then alternate with Tylenol.
Good luck. I hope you feel better soon.

My Grandmother told my mom and my mom told me, that when you have a ear infection ( and don't want to go to the docter) and as long as you dont have blood comeing out of your ears, use "Sweet oil" It is found in any pharmacy, and has been used for generation's in my family, I remeber as a small child (when I got ear infection quit a bit) my mother would use this remedy and it worked like a charm, and it made my ear feel better instantley!
You need to heat it up first, but not so it is Really hot!
You do not want to burn the inside of your eardrum!
The way I saw her do it, was she boiled some water, and then took it off of the stove to cool, and set the whole bottle in the water to warm it a bit, and then tested it on the inside of her wrist, to see if it was'nt to hot, then I lay down on my side and let her put one to two small drop's in the offending ear, and I had to lay there for at least 10 minutes, and the just wiped the residue off. This is safe, and when you see the Sweet Oil bottle it will even say it is safe to use for ear infections ( just ask your Pharmacist if she can help you locate it if you can't)

Darn, I've advised peroxide to a lot of people for that problem and it worked well.
How can you be allergic to peroxide though? It occurs naturally in most fresh foods and the blood stream.

Normally the "adverse" reactions people have to the stuff comes from it being in too high a concentration. Try using a diluted ammount in your ears, also putting a capful in the ears should be way less irritating than into the mouth.

Hope that helps!

All the herbal home rededy things kinda work, but peroxide kills it the fastest and most efficiently, so finding a way to use it would really be best. Hope that helps!

Unless the infection is in the external ear canal, it is ridiculous to suggest peroxide. No solution can reach behind an intact eardrum where the infection exists. And if the eardrum has been perforated, no home remedy solution should be used at all.

You need to see a physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician's Assistant. You almost certainly are within reach of a free clinic or a sympathetic physician, or an emergency room if nothing else. That's where you need to go as soon as possible. Don't listen to the garlic/honey/peroxide know-nothings. This is serious business !

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