What is Goldenseal Herb used for and are there side effects in taking it?!

Question: I love Goldenseal!!! Great natural antibiotic!
Remedies For:
Laxative, tonic, alterative, detergent, opthalmicum, antiperiodic, aperient, diuretic, antiseptic, deobstruent

Useful for:

Common cold/sore throat

Crohn's disease

Recurrent ear infection

Urinary tract infection

Jethro Kloss describes this herb as "the most wonderful remedies in the entire herb kingdom. It does seem like a cure all after looking at all it can do."

Specifically used for digestive system such as stomach disorders, acute inflammations, liver troubles. It exerts a special influence on all the mucous membranes and tissues with which it comes in contact. Excels for open sores, inflammations, eczema, ringworm, erysipelas, skin diseases, nausea during pregnancy.

In combination with skullcap and red pepper it will relieve and strengthen the heart.

Excellent remedy for tonsillitis, diphtheria, and other serious throat troubles. Also for chronic catarrh of the intestines and all catarrhal conditions, as well as for improving appetite and digestion

Taken as recommended, goldenseal is generally safe. However, as with all alkaloid-containing plants, high amounts may lead to gastrointestinal distress and possible nervous system effects. Goldenseal is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

Answers: I love Goldenseal!!! Great natural antibiotic!
Remedies For:
Laxative, tonic, alterative, detergent, opthalmicum, antiperiodic, aperient, diuretic, antiseptic, deobstruent

Useful for:

Common cold/sore throat

Crohn's disease

Recurrent ear infection

Urinary tract infection

Jethro Kloss describes this herb as "the most wonderful remedies in the entire herb kingdom. It does seem like a cure all after looking at all it can do."

Specifically used for digestive system such as stomach disorders, acute inflammations, liver troubles. It exerts a special influence on all the mucous membranes and tissues with which it comes in contact. Excels for open sores, inflammations, eczema, ringworm, erysipelas, skin diseases, nausea during pregnancy.

In combination with skullcap and red pepper it will relieve and strengthen the heart.

Excellent remedy for tonsillitis, diphtheria, and other serious throat troubles. Also for chronic catarrh of the intestines and all catarrhal conditions, as well as for improving appetite and digestion

Taken as recommended, goldenseal is generally safe. However, as with all alkaloid-containing plants, high amounts may lead to gastrointestinal distress and possible nervous system effects. Goldenseal is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

it's a detoxifier and I've never heard of any side affects other than thirst.

"Antibiotic, Alterative, Diuretic, Laxative, Tonic,
--is one of the major healing herbs; considered one of the best infection fighters and contains a natural antibiotic; condidered by many as a cure-all.
--lowers blood sugar and is a source on natural insulin.
--contact healer.
--stops internal and external bleeding, reduces swelling
--heals mucous membranes anywher in the body, helps eliminate all catarrh conditions even when chronic in the intestines.
--has been used for skin cancers.
--taken with Cayenne, it strengthens the heart."
These are just some.

In folk medicine, goldenrod was used to treat such diverse conditions as rheumatism, gout, diabetes, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, enlarged prostate, asthma, enlarged liver, tuberculosis, mouth and throat infections, and festering wounds. Unfortunately, its effectiveness for treating these conditions has never been proven.

Goldenrod is an aquaretic agent (promotes the loss of water from the body) most frequently used to treat urinary tract inflammation and to prevent the development of kidney stones. Goldenrod's aquaretic effects combined with both antimocrobila and anti-inflammatory properties allow this herb to be used in connection with a variety conditions which include the following:

* Bladder inflammation
* Arthritis
* Allergies
* Colds and flu
* Kidney stones
* Laryngitis (as a gargle)
* Sore throats

Goldenseal may also be used as a topical application to aid in healing injuries and skin conditions such as eczema. Goldenrod has also been used for laryngitis or sore throats (as a gargle).

Possible Side Effects

Most people believe that goldenrod is generally considered safe and has no known side effects. However, you should not use this herb if you have impaired heart or kidneys or if you are pregnant.

Dosage and Usage

* Tea - Mix 2 - 3 teaspoons of dried herb in 1 cup of water, bring to a boil, and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes; strain and drink. Take three times per day.
* Gargle - Make the tea described above, and gargle with it three times per day.
* Liquid extract - (1:1) in 25 ethanol: Take 0.5 to 2 mL two to three times per day.
* Tincture - (1:5) in 45 ethanol: Take 2 to 4 mL two to three times per day.

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