Stay awake pills?!

Question: I've heard that there are some pills that help u to stay awake when u r really sleepy. can u tell me the name of those pills, where can i get 'em from and do they have any harmful side effects?

Thanks in advance

Answers: I've heard that there are some pills that help u to stay awake when u r really sleepy. can u tell me the name of those pills, where can i get 'em from and do they have any harmful side effects?

Thanks in advance

proplus, yarebba, there are so many, basicly its just loads of caffine and some have afew natural stimulants in (I say natural, but the doeses are huge so I dont know how natural that really is!)

They all keep your body awake, but your mind may be a bit foggy and you may feel a bit scattered, caffine can also make you act like your high or jittery and fidgity, you may not notice this but others will.

You also get a come down from these pills, natural or otherwise, where you feel anything but awake, it can take days to recover from taking the pills for just one day. You take them for longer, the effects of the come down are greater, you do a week and you'll be lucky if when you choose to stop, that you can lift your head off the pillow, let alone get your legs to move from the bed onto the floor or even contemplate holding you up, exhaustion doesnt describe...

If you really need to be awake, try sleeping more. If you cannot manage this and you really must resort to pills, take them for just a day and not too many at once, then leave it a few days (like 5 days) before taking any more.

And always read the label, if it says no alcohol, dont drink, the message is there to prevent your liver having a tantrum and getting damaged, and this will be something that is irreversable and you will regret if you damage it. Your heart may also be at risk if you take caffine pills too often or take too many and babe, heart probs aint a joke!

In England they are called ''Pro Plus''

But only 'nice ' girls take them.

And guys.

Try coffee, and sleep.

its sad ppl need pills to go sleep and others to stay sorry, i'm not sure. please dont do anything drastic. is it exams ur doing? or is it having a bad effect at work? are u really really tired all the time? is it side effects from tablets ur having? if so, have them changed. do u wrk too hard and not make up for sleepign during wkends? u need to have a a helathy lifestyle and have atleast 6 to 8 hrs of sleep fro average adult.

The name is PRO PLUS and they are basically full of caffeine. The side effects are that you make get the mild shakes and violent headaches after taking them xx

I've only heard of caffeine pills.

Pro-plus.Full of caffeine.Don't take too many or you will have the shakes.All of the past midnight die-hards on here take them.Try drinking Red Bull instead.

Cocaine! Lots of side-effects tho...

its called starbucks c:

There are some pills that are over the counter and safe to take. You can walk into your local pharmacy drugstore (CVS, Walgreens, Longs, Rite-Aid pharmacy) and ask about Caffeine Pills. There are various brand names for caffeine pills. Some generic names would be like "Stay Awake Pills" I work at a cvs pharmacy and the caffeine pills we carry is called "No Doz"

As for the harmful side effects I recommend talking to the pharmacist because you can let him/her know how tolerant you are to caffeine and he/she can assist you from there. But the main thing is to not get addicted to these and use them occasionally. I've also added a link so you can look at the product. Hope that helps.

amphetamine will do the trick, 3 gramms is around

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