Whats better for you Weed or Cigarettes?!

Question: Im wondderrin..

Answers: Im wondderrin..

weed.. it doesnt cause cancer like people think.
check out the 2 links. just make sure you know your dealer and he doesnt lace that ****.

definitely weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nicotine is soooo addicting and is tied to high blood pressure, respiratory problems, sh*tty skin & teeth......

Pot has a bad stigma and it's still not great for you but atleast you can stop smoking pot if you want.

Definitely hit up the bong if you have to choose.

well smoking a joint is like ten times as bad as cigs and neither are good both are addictive

Both are bad. Weed is probably worse -- but ohhhh so much more fun. If you are going to hurt yourself at least make it worth while. Just don't get caught.


weed is chill. ciggs are for stress mainly.

Cigarettes can suppress your appetite while smoking pot gives many people the munchies, causing a person to make bad eating choices (Dorito's and Oreo's being common munchies) and eventual weight gain. So you're comparing smoking cigarettes, with the potential for cancer, COPD, emphysema, asthma etc., to smoking marijuana with the potential legal issues, health issues from weight gain, fewer job choices due to piss testing, and it still has tar and nicotine and is also addictive. It's a hard choice, since they both have serious ramifications for long-term use.

I'd say it's healthier to learn to deal with your problems without either of these crutches. That takes a brave soul, but you will amaze yourself with what you can actually endure without the nerve calming cigarettes or mind numbing pot.

Good luck!

Marijuana. Cigarettes are lethal. Anyone, please show me one single documented case of cancer or anyother serious medical complication coming from the habitual use of marijuana.

If the glove don't fit, your full of shi*

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